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    Tata AIA Vitality Protect

    Staying fit and healthy is easier when you are motivated to take the steps in the right direction. Tata AIA Vitality Protect lets you select your choice of protection against a range of health conditions, while you stay protected against uncertainties such as Death, Accidental Death & Disability, Critical Illness etc. This rider also helps you get your fitness goals on track for bringing positive changes to your health and lifestyle, while rewarding you with premium discounts!

    Benefits of Tata AIA Vitality Protect

    The Tata AIA Vitality Protect rider offers coverage against a range of risks. Riders can be attached with multiple products such as Tata AIA Life Insurance Smart Sampoorna Raksha Pro - Non- Participating, Unit Linked, Individual Life Insurance Savings Plan (UIN: 110L172V02) or Tata AIA Maha Raksha Supreme Select - Non-Linked, Non-Participating, Pure Risk, Individual Life Insurance Product (UIN: 110N171V04). You may opt for coverage against one or more risks as per your needs by choosing from the following Benefit Options.

    • Flexibility to Choose Plan Option - Highlights of Tata AIA Life Insurance Sampoorna Raksha Supreme
      CritiCare Plus

      Offers protection against 40 Critical Illness including Cancer and Cardiac conditions. On diagnosis of any of the covered conditions, rider sum assured will be paid.

    • Flexible premium payment options - Highlights of Tata AIA Life Insurance Sampoorna Raksha Supreme
      Term Booster

      Benefit is paid on earlier of Death or diagnosis of Terminal Illness

    • Lower Premium Rates for Women - Highlights of Tata AIA Life Insurance Sampoorna Raksha Supreme
      Accidental Death

      Benefit is paid on Death due to accident. Double benefit is paid in case of accident under specified circumstances e.g., accidental death while travelling in public transport as bus, tram, or train.

    • Death Benefit Pay-out - Highlights of Tata AIA Life Insurance Sampoorna Raksha Supreme
      Accidental Total & Permanent Disability

      Benefit is paid on Accidental Total and Permanent Disability due to accident. Double benefit is paid in case of accident under specified circumstances e.g., accidental disability while travelling in public transport as bus, tram, or train.

    • Option to get Income Pay-outs - Highlights of Tata AIA Life Insurance Sampoorna Raksha Supreme
      Accelerated CritiCare

      Offers protection against 40 Critical Illness including Cancer and Cardiac conditions. Cover for this option will be accelerate sum assured of the base plan.

    • Income Tax Benefit

      When you purchase this rider, you will get income tax# benefits as per applicable income tax laws

    • Extended Protection

      The rider allows you to extend protection to your loved ones too under the same plan.

    • Enroll in Tata AIA Vitality Wellness Program

      On enrolling into the Tata AIA Vitality* Wellness Program, you get an upfront discount of up to 10%~ on your premium.

    What am i covered for under this Rider?

    The Tata AIA Vitality Protect offers coverage against a range of risks. You may opt for coverage against one or more risks as per your needs by choosing from the following Benefit Options. Please refer to the rider brochure for additional details.


    Term Booster (TB)

    Provides financial protection on Death or Diagnosis of Terminal Illness


    Accidental Death (AD)

    Secure your family financially from death due to an Accident


    Accidental Total & Permanent Disability (ATPD)

    In case of any Total and Permanent Disability, your family’s financial future is secured


    CritiCare Plus (CCP)

    40 Critical Illnesses including Cancer and Cardiac conditions covered 


    Accelerated CritiCare (ACC)

    40 Critical Illnesses including Cancer and Cardiac conditions covered

    The premium will vary depending upon the Option chosen.


    What are the different Payout Options?

    • On occurrence of the insured event, you can choose to receive the riders benefits through any of the following options based on your needs / goals:

      • Lumpsum and Income: Benefits can be taken as a Lumpsum or Income for up to 30 years or a combination of both. For income option, choice between level income or increasing income payout.

      • Partner Care: Pays lifelong regular income for your dependent partner/s, on occurrence of insured event. Choice between payout options offering defined lumpsum benefit and/or return of premium on occurrence of insured event.

      • Waiver of Premium: This would help you to continue your policy benefits by waiving future premiums on occurrence of the insured event.



    Eligibility Criteria for Tata AIA Vitality Protect


    Benefit option

    Minimum entry age^

    Maximum entry age^

    Maximum maturity age

    Sum Assured under the Benefit Option



    Term Booster

    18 years

    65 years

    100 years



    Subject to board approved underwriting policy

    Accidental Death

    18 years

    65 years

    85 years


    Accidental Total & Permanent Disability

    18 years

    65 years

    85 years


    CritiCare Plus

    18 years

    65 years

    75 years


    Accelerated CritiCare

    18 years

    65 years

    75 years


    • ^All ages are as on last birthday and are applicable to the life insured under the Benefit Option.
    • Rider Sum Assured for Death Benefit cannot be determined at the inception of the Base Plan
    • Minimum/maximum Sum Assured will be subject to Underwriting.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Why do I need to add a rider to my life insurance plan?

    Adding a rider to your life insurance plan can help you prepare for any unforeseen circumstances and emergencies such as a critical illness, accidental disability and more. The coverage of your life insurance plan can be enhanced with the help of a rider such as the -Tata AIA Life Vitality Protect.

    What is the difference between a linked and a non-linked rider?

    A linked rider is a rider benefit that can be added to a Unit-Linked Insurance Plan. A linked rider may be premium paying (premium is paid over and above the base plan) or Unit deducting rider (where rider charges are deducted as charges). A non-linked rider can be added to any other life insurance policy.

    What happens if I opt for a Waiver of Premium benefit?

    Tata AIA Vitality Protect has the flexibility to opt for Waiver of Premium benefit. With this feature all future premiums that would have been payable under the Base plan and associated benefit options/riders shall be waived throughout the rest of the premium payment term or until the termination of the base plan/benefit option. This would help you to continue your policy benefits even if you cannot pay for it.

    What are the benefits of opting for the Tata AIA Vitality Wellness Program?

    The Wellness* program incentivizes the Insured to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

    On enrolling into the Wellness ~ Program, you get an upfront discount on your 1st year rider premium. You can keep track of your health and fitness goals and your engagement levels shall be monitored and a Wellness Status shall be earned throughout the year that shall be used to determine the Premium discount for the following year.

    Rewards structure / Rider (Benefit Option)

    Category 1

    Category 2

    Upfront Reward



    Wellness Programs benefits↑ or ↓

    basis the Wellness Status













    Maximum Rewards



    Category 1

    • Tata AIA Vitality Protect (Accidental Death, Accidental Total & Permanent Disability)
    • Tata AIA Vitality Health (Accidental Disability Care)

    Category 2

    • Tata AIA Vitality Protect (Term Booster, CritiCare Plus, Accelerated CritiCare)
    • Tata AIA Vitality Health (Multistage CritiCare, Cancer Care, Cardiac Care)

    How is my Wellness status decided?

    Your Wellness Status is driven by an objective criterion based on accumulation of points. 

    Wellness Status

    Accumulated Points


    0 – 9,999


    10,000 – 19,999


    20,000 – 24,999


    25,000 and above

    How can I earn points?

    Points are allocated through a range of parameters comprising of online assessments, physical activity & health check-up.




    Frequency of allocation

    Points limit p.a.


    Health Review




    Mental wellbeing assessments

    450 x 2

    Half yearly

    Nutrition Assessment



    Non-smokers declaration



    Screening & prevention

    Health Check

    (BMI, HbA1c, Blood pressure, Cholesterol)

    6,000 (1500 per test) for undergoing the tests



    6,000 (1500 per test) for being in the healthy range


    Steps and Heart Rate

    50 points: Steps 7.5k to 10k / 30 mins. at >= 60%  age-related max heart rate


    100 point: Steps >10k / 30 mins at >= 70% or 60 mins at >= 60% age-related max heart rate



    Which health-screening tests should be completed under the Wellness Program to earn points?

    One free health check per year can be availed under the wellness program and can be booked from the app itself. You get 6000 points for doing your health check and another 6000 points if your test values are in range. Total points that can be earned is up to 12000 under the Wellness Program, you can earn a maximum of 1500 points for each test. You can further earn a maximum of 1500 points for each test if your results are within the clinically accepted range:

    • Glucose
    • BMI
    • Blood Pressure
    • Cholesterol

    Which annual online assessments can one complete to earn points under the Wellness Program?

    The following annual online assessments should be completed to earn the maximum points allotted under each activity: 

    • Nutrition Assessment
    • Sleep Quality Survey
    • Resilience Survey
    • Mental Health Survey
    • Declaration – Smoker/Non-Smoker
    • Health Review

    What are the premium payment modes available under this rider?

    The premium payment modes under the rider are – Single, Monthly, Quarterly, Half-yearly and Annual. However, the premium payment mode for your rider will be the same as the one selected for your base life insurance policy.

    Do I need to file a claim separately under the rider?

    Yes. Since the rider is an additional and optional benefit on your base life insurance policy, you will have to file a claim when the specified event occurs. For this, you will be required to submit relevant documents of proof to initiate the claims process.

    How do I claim the benefits under the rider?

    To file a claim with us, you can contact us via email or a call:

    Alternatively, you can also visit any of our Tata AIA Life Insurance Company branch offices to file a claim for the rider benefits.


    • The complete name of Tata AIA Vitality Protect is Tata AIA Life Insurance Vitality Protect - A Non-Linked, Non- Participating Individual Health rider (UIN:110B046V04).
    • Riders are not mandatory and are available for a nominal extra cost. For more details on the benefits covered, rider charges and exclusions under the Riders please refer to the Rider Brochure, contact our Insurance Advisor/ Intermediary, or visit our nearest Branch Office.
    • #Income Tax benefits would be available as per the prevailing income tax laws, subject to fulfillment of conditions stipulated therein. Income Tax laws are subject to change from time to time. Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Ltd. does not assume responsibility on tax implication mentioned anywhere in this document. Please consult your own tax consultant to know the tax benefits available to you.
    • This Rider is underwritten by Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Ltd. This Rider is not a guaranteed issuance Rider, and it will be subject to Company's underwriting and acceptance.
    • For more details on risk factors, terms and conditions please read sales brochure carefully before concluding a sale.
    • Insurance cover is available under the Tata AIA products and are underwritten by Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Limited.
    • *Tata AIA Vitality - A Wellness Program that offers you an upfront discount at policy inception. You can also earn premium discount / cover booster (as applicable) for subsequent years on policy anniversary basis your Vitality Status (tracked on Vitality app) Please refer rider brochures for additional details on health and wellness benefits.
    • Vitality is a trademark licensed to Tata AIA Life by Amplify Health Assets PTE. Limited, a joint venture between Vitality Group International, INC. and AIA Company Limited. The assessment under the wellness program shall not be considered as medical advice or a substitute to a consultation/treatment by a professional medical practitioner.
    • ~On enrolling into the Wellness Program, you get an upfront discount of 5% on 1st year premium for Accidental Death, Accidental Total & Permanent Disability, Accidental Disability Care Benefits and of 10% on 1st year premium for Term Booster, CritiCare Plus, Accelerated CritiCare, Multistage CritiCare, Cancer Care, Cardiac Care. The rewards are offered on cumulative basis and in any year, the maximum rewards in view of both the Up-front Rewards and Annual Rewards Flex together shall be 15% for Accidental Disability Care and 30% for all other benefit options. Discount is driven by accumulated points which is achieved through wellness status. Please refer policy document for more details.
    • Tata AIA Vitality Protect is available with: 
    • Product Name
      Tata AIA Life Insurance MahaLife Gold - Non Linked, Participating, Whole Life Individual Savings Plan (UIN: 110N029V04 or later)
      Tata AIA Life Insurance Money Back Plus -Non-Linked, Participating, Individual Life Insurance Savings Plan (UIN: 110N119V03 or later)
      Tata  AIA Life Insurance Smart Income Plus - A Non-Linked, Non-Participating, Individual Life Insurance Savings Plan (UIN: 110N126V05 or later)
      Tata AIA Life Insurance Gold Income Plan - A Non-Linked, Non-Participating, Individual Life Insurance Savings Plan (UIN: 110N131V03 or later)
      Tata  AIA Life Insurance Diamond Savings Plan - A Non-Linked, Participating Individual Life Insurance Savings Plan (UIN: 110N133V03 or later)
      Tata AIA Life Insurance Guaranteed Monthly Income Plan - Non-Linked, Non-Participating Individual Life Insurance Savings Plan (UIN: 110N147V03 or later)
      Tata AIA Life Insurance Smart Annuity Plan - A, Non-Linked Non-Participating, Individual     Annuity Plan (110N150V08 or later)
      Tata  AIA Life Guaranteed Return Insurance Plan - Individual, Non-Linked, Non-Participating, Life Insurance Savings Plan (UIN: 110N152V14 or later)
      Tata AIA Life Insurance Value Income Plan - Individual, Non-Linked, Participating Life Insurance Savings Plan (UIN: 110N153V02 or later)
      Tata AIA Life Insurance MahaRaksha Supreme - Non-Linked Non-Participating, Individual Life Insurance Pure Risk Premium Product (UIN: 110N102V05 or later)
      Tata AIA Life Insurance iRaksha TROP - Non-Linked Non-Participating, Individual Life Insurance Savings Plan (UIN: 110N106V03 or later)
      Tata AIA Life Insurance Sampoorna Raksha - Non-Linked Non-Participating, Individual Life Insurance Pure Risk Premium Product (UIN: 110N129V06 or later)
      Tata AIA Life Insurance Sampoorna Raksha+ - Non-Linked Non-Participating, Individual Life Insurance Savings Product (UIN:110N130V06 or later)
      Tata AIA Life Insurance Fortune Guarantee - Non-Linked, Non-Participating, Individual Life Insurance Savings Plan (UIN: 110N120V10 or later)
      Tata AIA Life Insurance Saral Jeevan Bima - A Non-Linked Non-Participating Individual Pure Risk Premium Life Insurance Plan (UIN: 110N157V02 or later)
      Tata AIA Life Insurance Sampoorna Raksha Supreme - A Non-Linked Non-Participating Individual Life Insurance Plan (UIN:110N160V05 or later) 
      Tata AIA Life Insurance POS Smart Income Plus - Non-Linked, Non-Participating, Individual Life Insurance Savings Plan (UIN: 110N148V04 or later)
      Tata AIA Life Insurance Smart Health Shield - A Non-Linked Non-Participating Individual Health Plan (UIN:110N135V02 or later)
      Tata  AIA Life Insurance Saral Pension - A Single Premium Non-Linked, Non-Participating, Individual, Immediate Annuity Plan (UIN: 110N159V08 or later)
      Tata AIA Life Insurance Fortune Guarantee Pension - A Non-Linked, Non-Participating, Annuity Plan (UIN:110N161V09 or later)
      Tata AIA Life Insurance Fortune Guarantee Plus - Non-Linked, Non-Participating, Individual Life Insurance Savings Plan (UIN: 110N158V13 or later)
      Tata  AIA Life Insurance Smart Value Income Plan - Individual, Non-Linked, Participating Life Insurance Savings Plan (110N162V02 or later)
      Tata AIA Fortune Guarantee Supreme - Individual, Non-Linked, Non-participating, Life Insurance Savings Plan (UIN110N163V08 or later)
      Tata AIA i Systematic Insurance Plan - Unit Linked Individual Life Insurance Savings Plan (UIN:110L164V04 or later)
      Tata  AIA Bharat Suraksha Cover Micro Insurance Plan - Non-linked Non-participating Individual Micro Term Insurance Plan (UIN:110N169V02 or later)
      Tata AIA Fortune Guarantee Retirement Ready - Individual Non-Linked, Non-Participating, Pension Plan (UIN: 110N175V02 or later)
      Tata  AIA Life Insurance Smart Value Income Plan - Individual, Non-Linked, Participating Life Insurance Savings Plan (110N162V02 or later)
      TataAIA Maha Raksha Supreme Select - Non-Linked, Non-Participating, Individual Life Insurance Product (UIN: 110N171V03 or later)
      Tata AIA Smart Sampoorna Raksha Pro - Unit Linked Non- Participating, Individual Life Insurance Plan (UIN: 110L172V02 or later)


    • L&C/Advt/2024/Oct/2999

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