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    Plan Snapshot

    • 2 plan options

      1]  Classic

      2]  Optima

    • Get Loyalty additions, Cover Continuance Boosters, Return of Premium Allocation Charges, Return of Mortality Charges.

    • Get Income Tax3 benefits 

    • Our Funds Rated 4 or 5 stars1 by Morningstar2
    • High life insurance cover to safeguard your family
    • Add On Rider4 Benefits

      • Hospitalization Benefits
      • 3C Protection: Cancer, Cardiac and Critical Illness
      • Accidental Death and Disability
    Need advice on a new plan?
    Let our experts get back to you.

    Are you an NRI?


    Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Limited will send you updates on new products, services, insurance solutions, existing policy or related information and/or process your information in accordance with Privacy Policy. Select here to opt-in.

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    Tata AIA Smart Sampoorna Raksha Supreme

    Get life covered and wealth discovered by choosing a perfect mix of life insurance and investments for higher coverage and increased investment benefits.

    Benefits Of Tata AIA Smart Sampoorna Raksha Supreme

    • Grow your Wealth

      Grow your Wealth

      You shall get the Fund Value, including Top-Up Premium Fund Value, if any, valued at applicable NAV on the date of Maturity.

    • Get Loyalty Additions

      Get Loyalty Additions

      Starting from the 11th year of your policy, at the end of each month, the mortality charge that was deducted 120 months ago (based on your plan option) will be added back to your fund value as extra units. This will continue until you turn 85.

    • Refund of Premium Allocation Charges

      Refund of Premium Allocation Charges

      Based on the chosen plan option, at the end of the 10th, 11th, 12th, and 13th policy years, two times the total Premium Allocation Charges deducted 10 years prior shall be added to the Fund Value in the form of addition of units until the policy is in force.

    • Cover Continuance Boosters

      Cover Continuance Boosters

      Cover Continuance Boosters will be added as extra units. In the first 15 years, they are added if the fund value drops below 10% of the premium. From the 16th year onwards, boosters are added if the fund value falls below the the Fund Value implied by the Target Net Yield.

    • Smart Lady

      Smart Lady

      Female policyholders will receive an extra 0.5% of the instalment premium added to their plan in the first year.

    • Second Income with Withdrawal Plans

      Second Income with Withdrawal Plans

      After 5 policy years, you can choose to receive a second income based on three withdrawal plans: Systematic Withdrawal Plan, Chosen-Rate Withdrawal Plan, and Index Based Withdrawal Plan.

    • Choice of Investment Strategy

      Choice of Investment Strategy

      You can choose any fund from out top-rated funds1 or choose between the portfolio strategies: Enhanced SMART (Systematic Money Allocation & Regular Transfer) or Life-stage based Portfolio Strategy.

    • Top-Up Facility

      Top-Up Facility

      An additional sum assured equal to 1.25 or 1.10 X top-up premium, subject to the policy conditions, will be provided under the Top-Up facility. The top-up premiums can be allocated in any proportion between the chosen funds.

    • Flexibility of Premium Payment Mode

      Flexibility of Premium Payment Mode

      You may choose to pay your premiums Annually, Semi-annually, Quarterly, Monthly, or even single time as per your convenience.

    • Unlimited Free Fund Switching

      Unlimited Free Fund Switching

      You can switch between funds anytime, for free and as often as needed, to match your financial goals or market changes. You can also re-direct future premiums to different funds, as long as the percentages add up to 100%. No charges applicable for re-direction.

    • Receive Maturity Benefits Your Way

      Receive Maturity Benefits Your Way

      You can choose to receive the maturity benefit either as a lump sum or through regular payments over five years after the policy maturity date.

    • Add Riders for Additional Coverage

      Add Riders for Additional Coverage

      Riders4 can be included in the plan for additional coverage during specific scenarios.   With Tata AIA Vitality's Wellness benefit, you can improve your quality of life and earn premium discounts as a reward.

    Plan Options

    • SSR Supreme Classic - It is a high sum assured investment linked plan.
    • SSR Supreme Optima - It is a low charge high sum assured investment linked plan.

    Key Differences Between SSR Supreme Classic and SSR Supreme Optima


    SSR Supreme Classic

    SSR Supreme Optima

    Maturity Benefit



    Death Benefits



    Return of Mortality Charges

    Starting from the 11th policy year, at the end of each policy month, the mortality charge (excluding underwriting extra and taxes) deducted in the 120th month prior shall be added to the Fund Value in the form of the addition of units.

    Not Applicable

    Refund of Premium Allocation Charges

     Every 10th to 13th policy year, we will add twice the amount of fees taken from the premium 10 years ago to your fund value as extra units, distributed based on each fund's unit proportion.

    Not Applicable

    Cover Continuance Booster



    Smart Lady



    Withdrawal Plans



    Why Should One Invest In ULIP Plans?

    • Financial Protection

      Financial Protection

      When you invest in a ULIP Policy, you can ensure a life cover to protect the financial future of your family in your absence and also invest in financial securities for wealth creation.

    • Customised Investment Solutions

      Customised Investment Solutions

      You can invest in financial securities based on your risk appetite, whether high-risk equity funds, medium-risk hybrid funds, or low-risk debt funds. Furthermore, you can switch between the funds based on your changing investment preferences, considering the market cycles. .

    • Investment Flexibility

      Investment Flexibility

      You can pay the premium using the chosen premium payment mode and opt for the lump sum or periodical payments for the maturity benefits.

    • Withdraw Funds

      Withdraw Funds

      After the 5-year lock-in period, you can benefit from withdrawal options to fund your routine expenses or planned financial commitments.

    • Long Term Investment

      Long Term Investment

      With ULIP Plans, you can plan a long-term investment to enhance the potential gains for your wealth creation objectives.

    • Income Tax Benefits

      Income Tax Benefits

      The premiums paid for the ULIP policy, and the payouts received qualify for a tax deduction as per applicable tax laws.

    Why Choose Tata AIA Life Insurance?

    Top Rated Funds

    Our fund options are rated 4 or 5 stars1 by Morning Star2

    500+ Branches

    Presence across major cities in India.

    1 Lakh Crore+

    Assets Under Management (AUM)5


    Individual Death Claim Settlement Ratio for FY 23-246


    Eligibility Criteria



    Minimum Entry Age (Age last birthday)

    18 Years

    Maximum Entry Age (Age last birthday)

    65 Years

    Minimum Maturity Age (Age last birthday)

    38 Years

    Maximum Maturity Age (Age last birthday)

    Limited Pay – 100 Years

    Regular Pay – 100 Years

    Policy Term

    Limited Pay - 20 to 82 years

    Regular Pay - 20 to 82 years

    Minimum Premium Paying Term

    Limited Pay – 5 years

    Regular Pay – 20 years

    Maximum Premium Paying Term

    Limited Pay – (Policy Term – 1) years

    Regular Pay – Equal to Policy Term


    Minimum Premium

    For Classic and Optima

    Single Pay: ₹ 20,000 p.a.

    Limited Pay 5-6 years: ₹ 20,000 p.a.

    Limited Pay 7-9 years: ₹ 18,000 p.a.

    Other Premium Payment Terms: ₹ 15,000 p.a.

    Top-up Premium: ₹ 1,000 per top-up

    Maximum Premium

    As per Board Approved Underwriting Policy (BAUP)

    Increase /Decrease in Premium

    Not Allowed

    Minimum Basic Sum Assured

    For age up to 49:

    For Single Pay – 1.25 times the Single Premium

    For Regular / Limited Pay –   7 times Annualised Premium, 

    For age 50 & above:

    For Single Pay –1.10 times the Single Premium

    For Regular / Limited Pay –   5 times Annualised Premium

    Age as of last birthday

    Maximum Basic Sum Assured

    Premium Payment Term

    Attained Age (last birthday) of Assured

    Basic Sum Assured


    Till attained age of 85 years

    As per Board Approved Underwriting Policy (BAUP)

    Post attained age of 85 years

    For Limited/Regular pay:

    Lower of (Applicable Sum Assured Multiple or 10) times Annualised Premium 

    For Single pay:

    1.25 times Single Premium

    Pay Mode

    Single, Annual, Semi-Annual, Quarterly, Monthly


    Change in premium payment mode

    Policyholders are allowed to change the frequency of regular premium payments by written request anytime when the policy is in force, subject to our minimum premium requirements and approval and provided the policy is in force unless Enhanced SMART is active where annual mode is compulsory.

    Premiums payable monthly shall be paid by auto-deduction through a bank unless we agree otherwise in writing.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    General Policy Coverage Claim

    Does a ULIP Policy have a lock-in period?

    Yes, the ULIP Policy has a lock-in period of 5 years.

    Can I withdraw funds from my ULIP Policy?

    You can withdraw funds from your ULIP policy after the 5-year lock-in period.

    Can I surrender a ULIP Policy?

    You can surrender a ULIP policy. However, it is not recommended to surrender a ULIP Policy because you might end up losing the coverage and the investment benefits to a great extent.

    What are the withdrawal options available with Tata AIA Smart Sampoorna Raksha Supreme?

    The withdrawal options available with the Smart Sampoorna Raksha Supreme are:

    • Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP) - You can withdraw from the fund at pre-determined intervals. Such withdrawals can be a pre-determined percentage of the fund value or a pre-determined absolute amount.
    • Chosen-Rate Withdrawal Plan (CWP) - A payout, as per the payout frequency chosen, will be processed in case the performance of the fund(s) where the policyholder has invested their premium is higher than the chosen rate of return by the policyholder.
    • Index-Based Withdrawal Benefit (IWP) - This option works similarly to CWP. But instead of choosing a rate of return, the policyholder can link the rate of return to an external index. Suppose the performance of the fund(s) in which the policyholder has invested their premium is higher than their index-based return. In that case, the positive difference between the two fund values shall be paid out to the policyholder as per the payout frequency chosen.

    What are the term and conditions for partial withdrawal in a policy year?

    We recommend keeping your money invested in the policy for the entire policy term to enjoy the power of compounding. However, this plan provides you with an option to partially withdraw your funds in case of any financial emergency. You can withdraw from you fund value such that the Fund Value post withdrawals is more than two (2) times your Annualised Premium in case of Regular/ Limited Pay. Please note that the maximum limit for partial withdrawals may change from time to time. Please refer this space for current limits.

    What are the settlement options available under the Tata AIA Smart Sampoorna Raksha Supreme?

    You can have the option to receive Maturity Benefits either in a lump sum or in the form of periodical payments over a Settlement Period of five years from the Maturity Date.

    How is the Net Asset Value calculated?

    The Net Asset Value (NAV) of the segregated funds shall be computed as:

    The Market value of the investment held by the fund + value of current assets - (value of current liabilities and provisions, if any).


    What are the plan options available under the Tata AIA Smart Sampoorna Raksha Supreme?

    SSR Supreme Classic - Smart Sampoorna Raksha Supreme Classic and SSR Supreme Optima - Smart Sampoorna Raksha Supreme Optima are the two plan options available under the Tata AIA Smart Sampoorna Raksha Supreme.

    What is the Cover Continuance Booster?

    Cover Continuance Boosters are non-negative amounts added to your policy. This additional allocation will be available under both plan options.

    For the first 15 policy years, at the end of the policy month, if the Fund Value falls below 10% of the Instalment Premium. From the 16th Policy Year till the end of the policy term at the end of each policy month if the Fund Value falls below the Fund Value implied by the Target Net Yield.

    How do I file a claim with Tata AIA Life Insurance?

    To file a claim with us, reach out to us via the following channels:  

    a. Online using the Online Intimation Page.

    b. Email us at:

    c. Call our helpline number - 1860-266-9966 (local charges apply)

    d. Walk into any of the Tata AIA Life Insurance Company branch offices

    e. Write directly to us at:

    • The Claims Department,
    • Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Limited
    • B- Wing, 9th Floor,
    • I-Think Techno Campus,
    • Behind TCS, Pokhran Road No.2,
    • Close to Eastern Express Highway,
    • Thane (West) 400 607.
    • IRDA Regn. No. 110

    What are the documents needed to file a claim under this ULIP?

    Please click here to know the list of documents needed for the claim intimation and settlement process.


    • Tata AIA Smart Sampoorna Raksha Supreme - Unit Linked, Non-Participating Individual Life Insurance Plan (UIN: 110L179V02)
    • 1All funds open for new business which have completed 5 years since inception are rated 4 star or 5 star by Morningstar as of August 2024.
    • 2©2024 Morningstar. All rights reserved. The Morningstar name is a registered trademark of Morningstar, Inc. in India and other jurisdictions. The information contained here: (1) includes the proprietary information of Morningstar, Inc. and its affiliates, including, without limitation, Morningstar India Private Limited (“Morningstar”); (2) may not be copied, redistributed or used, by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior, written consent of Morningstar; (3) is not warranted to be complete, accurate or timely; and (4) may be drawn from data published on various dates and procured from various sources and (5) shall not be construed as an offer to buy or sell any security or other investment vehicle. Neither Morningstar, Inc. nor any of its affiliates (including, without limitation, Morningstar) nor any of their officers, directors, employees, associates or agents shall be responsible or liable for any trading decisions, damages or other losses resulting directly or indirectly from the information.
    • 3Income Tax benefits would be available as per the prevailing income tax laws, subject to fulfilment of conditions stipulated therein. Income Tax laws are subject to change from time to time. Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Ltd. does not assume responsibility on tax implication mentioned anywhere in this document. Please consult your own tax consultant to know the tax benefits available to you.
    • 4Riders are not mandatory and are available for a nominal extra cost. For more details on benefits, premiums, and exclusions under the Rider, please contact Tata AIA Life's Insurance Advisor/Intermediary/ branch.
    • 5As on 03rd April 2024, the company has a total Assets Under Management (AUM) of Rs.100,099.11 Crores.
    • 6Individual Death Claim Settlement Ratio is 99.13% for FY 2023 - 24 as per the latest annual audited figures.
    • 7Tata AIA Smart Sampoorna Raksha Supreme offer 3 partial withdrawal strategy, Systematic Withdrawal Plan, Chosen-rate Withdrawal Plan and Index based Withdrawal plan. Please refer to policy document for more details.
    • Tata AIA Vitality Protect Plus - A Non-Linked, Non- Participating Individual Health rider (UIN: 110A048V04 or any other later version), Tata AIA Vitality Health Plus, A Non-Linked, Non- Participating Individual Health rider (UIN: 110A047V03 or any other later version), Tata AIA Linked Comprehensive Protection Rider (UIN: 110A032V04 or any other later version) - A Non-Linked, Non- Participating Individual Health Rider, Tata AIA Linked Comprehensive Health Rider (UIN: 110A031V03 or any other later version) - A Non-Linked, Non- Participating Individual Health Rider) are available under this plan.
      •  The fund is managed by Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Ltd. For more details on risk factors, terms and conditions please read Sales Brochure carefully before concluding a sale. The precise terms and condition of this plan are specified in the Policy Contract.
      • Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Returns are calculated on an absolute basis for a period of less than (or equal to) a year, with reinvestment of dividends (if any).
      • Please make your own independent decision after consulting your financial or other professional advisor.
      • Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Limited is only the name of the Insurance Company & Tata AIA Smart Sampoorna Raksha Supreme is only the name of the Unit Linked Life Insurance contract and does not in any way indicate the quality of the contract, its future prospects or returns.
      • Unit Linked Life Insurance products are different from the traditional insurance products and are subject to the risk factors. Please know the associated risks and the applicable charges, from your Insurance Agent or Intermediary or Policy Document issued by the Insurance Company.
      • Various funds offered under this contract are the names of the funds and do not in any way indicate the quality of these plans, their future prospects and returns. The underlying Fund's NAV will be affected by interest rates and the performance of the underlying stocks.
      • Premium paid in the Unit Linked Life Insurance Policies are subject to investment risks associated with capital markets and the NAVs of the units may go up or down based on the performance of fund and factors influencing the capital market and the Insured is responsible for his/her decisions. The Company does not guarantee any assured returns.
      • Income Tax benefits would be available as per the prevailing income tax laws, subject to fulfillment of conditions stipulated therein. Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Ltd. does not assume responsibility on tax implications mentioned anywhere on this site. Please consult your own tax consultant to know the tax benefits available to you.
      • Goods and Services Tax and cesses, if any will be charged extra by redemption of units, as per applicable rates. Tax laws are subject to amendments from time to time.
      • Insurance cover is available under the product.
      • The products are underwritten by Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Ltd.
      • The plans are not a guaranteed issuance plan, and it will be subject to Company’s underwriting and acceptance.
      • For more details on risk factors, terms and conditions please read sales brochure carefully before concluding a sale.
      • L&C/Advt/2025/Jan/0010

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