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Protect the financial future of your loved ones against uncertainties of life with our Term Insurance plans that offers you larger cover, higher security, and speedy settlement.
In this policy, the investment risk in investment portfolio is borne by the policyholder. The linked insurance product do not offer any liquidity during the first five years of the contract. The policy holder will not be able to surrender/withdraw the monies invested in linked insurance products completely or partially till the end of the fifth year.
Discover Complete Health and Wealth: Our comprehensive plan takes care of your health, wellness, and financial security all in one.
Grow your wealth with our guaranteed return plans for a fikar-free future and also save on tax9.
Plan your retirement wisely with a suitable pension plan for peace of mind in your golden years
When you buy life insurance online, you can easily refer to the plans’ features, benefits, exclusions, and the policy brochure online on a single platform. Online insurance plans are also affordable since many overhead costs are eliminated.
Here are some of the other reasons why you should buy insurance plans online:
Your family needs to be protected from uncertain situations and emergencies in your absence. By purchasing a life insurance policy online, you ensure that there are no hassles or delays when it comes to providing financial security to them.
Online life insurance policies enable you to choose from multiple payout options so that when your family receives the death or maturity benefits of the insurance plan, it can be paid out as per their requirements, in a lump sum or as monthly income depending on the plan option.
When you buy a retirement plan online, you can choose a suitable policy at your convenience. Such a plan ensures that you have a guaranteed monthly income for your financial security to take care of your retirement needs.
Online plans are convenient as the purchase is simply available at your fingertips. You can choose to buy an insurance plan from the comfort of your home or even while travelling if you want to.
Online insurance plans are customisable as you can choose the sum assured, the premium payment frequency and the premium payment mode as per your preference. You can also opt for riders to extend your plan’s coverage.
You can check all the policy information, the sum assured and the terms and conditions of the policy when purchasing an online insurance plan. The online process is transparent and convenient as it gives you more flexibility.
Details such as your name, date of birth, contact details, smoking habits, income and expected life cover will have to be filled in correctly for you to proceed. These details will help you know your coverage amount and the premium. Please make sure to fill in accurate details to avoid your claims being rejected in future.
The policy term and the premium payment term you choose for your life insurance plan will determine your premium amount. You can decide between the available premium payment options such as yearly, half yearly, quarterly, and monthly mode basis the plan feature.
The insurance proposal form will include further details such as your present life cover information, your lifestyle details, nominee details, health information, etc. Be sure to fill in all of these correctly, especially the nominee information.
To ensure the quick verification of your information, upload clearly scanned copies of your identity proof, address proof and any health-related documents. You can confirm the list of documents from our customer service team.
In some cases, such as when you buy a term insurance plan, you may need to carry out a medical test or produce a health certificate. However, if required, we will help you undergo a medical test and get access to your medical report.
The policy will be issued to you after we have verified the details of the proposal form and the medical report. If all the details have been filled out correctly, you will be able to avail of life insurance coverage at the earliest!
Compare plans easily: Purchasing life insurance online enables you to compare insurance policies online easily within a matter of minutes. It eliminates the time and effort taken to compare different plans
Transparency Process: The process of buying life insurance online is safe since there is no ambiguous or hidden information. Not only can you access all policy details online, but you can also connect with our financial advisors in case if you have any queries about the plan.
Pay as Per Convenience: You have the flexibility to calculate and choose the sum assured that justifies all the features and benefits and will help you meet your needs. Depending on the life insurance policy you choose, you can pay the premium amount as per your convenience.
Lower Premiums: When you purchase a life insurance plan Online life, it’s highly cost efficient as you can upload all documents and pay your premiums online. When you buy a life insurance plan at an early age the premiums are more affordable, as you grow the premium amount may also increase.
24x7 Self Service Digital: Our 24x7 digital customer support options, enables you to get your queries resolved quickly. You can perform. When you buy a life insurance policy online, you can perform policy servicing related tasks such as downloading policy document, changing nominee and address linked to your policy account etc. quickly.
It is imperative to select the right online insurance plan when you want to protect your family. Since a single plan does not suit every individual’s insurance needs, these are some important pointers that can help you understand how to choose the best term insurance plan in India:
Research About Available Online Insurance Plans
Compare the Policies to Find the Right One
Assess Your Needs Before Asking for Peer Recommendations
Check Claim Settlement Ratio (CSR) of the Insurers
Know the Right Time or Age to Buy Online Insurance Plans
Cover Amount Should be Determined Based on Family’s Needs & Not Just Your Income
Our experts are happy to help you!
To buy insurance online, it is first essential to compare insurance online. While the process is simple, here is a quick look at how you can go about:
Analyze your personal needs before selecting the online plan. For instance, do you want to buy term insurance online or opt for a savings plan online?
Compare insurance policies online on the basis of different parameters such as the policy features, benefits, coverage and premiums.
An online insurance calculator can help you adjust the different variables so that you get the most suitable coverage and affordable premiums as per your needs.
Be sure to read all the details of the policy from the plan brochure. You can connect with our financial advisor for any queries you may have related to the life insurance plan.
After selecting the plan of your choice, choose from any of the digital payment modes available as per your preference. Once you have the policy document, you can save the soft copy offline as well.
Keep your policy document handy and pay renewal premium before the due date to enjoy the policy benefits. By following these easy steps, you can ensure that there is no waste of time, money, or effort.
What are the different types of life insurance plans?
These are the different types of life insurance plans:
Term Insurance plans
Savings Insurance plans
Retirement and Pension plans
You can also add optional riders to any of these life insurance plans for an additional premium to enhance the coverage and benefits of your policy.
Here are the steps for buying an insurance policy online:
Go to the Buy Online section at the top of our Homepage.
Select a life insurance plan of your choice.
Browse through the plan’s features and benefits.
Fill in your details and use of online calculator to find the right solution to meet your needs
Click on “Get Quotes” to compare insurance policies online.
You can choose a suitable plan and make a digital payment online.
Yes, when you buy our Tata AIA Life Insurance Sampoorna Raksha Promise a term insurance plan online, you can save tax up to 46,8006.
The life insurance coverage you need will be based on your current and future income, your family’s needs, financial obligations, and any emergencies for which your family may need to prepare themselves. Considering all these factors, you can select insurance coverage that helps you cover all the future requirements of your family members.
However, ensure that the coverage is suitable enough so that you can pay affordable premiums. With extremely high coverage, you will have to pay expensive premiums that can lead to compromising on other expenses. Likewise, a low coverage amount will fail to protect your family when needed.
Riders30 are optional and additional benefits that can be included in your life insurance policy for extra premiums. When you add a rider to your policy, you can enhance the benefits of the plan by protecting yourself against different events and risks such as critical illnesses, accidental death and disability, total and permanent disability, and so on.
All claim settlements are topmost priority for us. When you register a claim with us, we know what it means to you and your family. Our trained team expertly examines your claim and guides you to settle your claim in a seamless manner. Click the link to know the various documents required to register a claim.
To file a claim, you can contact us through any of these channels:
Send us an Email:
Call us on our helpline number - 1860-266-9966 (local charges apply).
Visit us at any Tata AIA Life Insurance Company branch offices.
Write to us at:
The Claims Department,
Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Limited
B- Wing, 9th Floor,
I-Think Techno Campus,
Behind TCS, Pokhran Road No.2,
Close to Eastern Express Highway,
Thane (West) 400 607.
IRDA Regn. No. 110
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In this policy, the investment risk in investment portfolio is borne by the policyholder. The linked insurance product do not offer any liquidity during the first five years of the contract. The policy holder will not be able to surrender/withdraw the monies invested in linked insurance products completely or partially till the end of the fifth year.
Tata AIA Sampoorna Raksha Promise - Non-Linked, Non-Participating, pure risk, Individual Life Insurance Product (UIN:110N176V02)
Tata AIA Maha Raksha Supreme Select - Non-Linked, Non-Participating, Pure Risk, Individual Life Insurance Product (UIN: 110N171V04)
The complete name of Tata AIA Guaranteed Return Insurance Plan is Tata AIA Life Guaranteed Return Insurance Plan (UIN:110N152V14) - Individual, Non-Linked, Non-Participating, Life Insurance Savings Plan)
The complete name of Tata AIA Fortune Guarantee Plus is Tata AIA Life Insurance Fortune Guarantee Plus (UIN: 110N158V13) - Non-Linked, Non-Participating, Individual Life Insurance Savings Plan.
Tata AIA Fortune Guarantee Supreme - Individual, Non-Linked, Non-participating, Life Insurance Savings Plan (UIN110N163V09)
Tata AIA Pro-Fit comprises of Tata AIA Health Pro, A Non-Participating, Unit-linked, Individual Health Insurance Plan (UIN: 110L180V01), Tata AIA Health Secure Rider, A Non- Participating, Unit Linked, Individual Health rider (UIN: 110A050V01) & Tata AIA VitaHealth, A Non-Participating, Non-Linked Individual Health Product (UIN: 110N181V01). Tata AIA Health Pro and VitaHealth are also available for sale individually.
Param Raksha Life Pro+ is designed for combination of benefits of following individual and separate products named (1) Tata AIA Smart Sampoorna Raksha Supreme Unit Linked, Non-Participating Individual Life Insurance Plan (UIN: 110L179V01) and (2) Tata AIA Vitality Protect Advance - A Non-Linked, Non- Participating Individual Health Product (UIN: 110N178V01).
These products are also available for sale individually without the combination offered/ suggested. This benefit illustration is the arithmetic combination and chronological listing of combined benefits of individual products. The customer is advised to refer the detailed sales brochure of respective individual products mentioned herein before concluding sale.
The complete name of Tata AIA Fortune Guarantee Pension is Tata AIA Life Insurance Fortune Guarantee Pension (UIN:110N161V10) - A Non-Linked Non-Participating Individual Life Insurance Plan. Multiple options are available in this plan: Immediate Life Annuity, Immediate Life Annuity with Return of Purchase Price, Deferred Life Annuity (GA-I) and with Return of Purchase Price, Deferred Life Annuity (GA-II) and with Return of Purchase Price.
The complete name of Tata AIA Saral Pension is Tata AIA Life Insurance Saral Pension (UIN: 110N159V08) - A Single Premium, Non-Linked, Non-Participating, Individual, Immediate Annuity Plan
1Illustrated Premium is the monthly premium excluding taxes for 20 yr. old female, Standard Life, Non-Smoker for ₹ 1 Cr. Sum Assured with Policy Term of 20 yrs. (Regular Pay) under Life Promise Option with first year premium discount for digital purchase and salaried person. Please refer Benefit Illustration for more details. Premium is subject to applicable taxes, cesses & levies which will be entirely borne/ paid by the Policyholder, in addition to the payment of such Premium. Tata AIA Life shall have the right to claim, deduct, adjust, recover the amount of any applicable tax or imposition, levied by any statutory or administrative body, from the benefits payable under the Policy. Kindly refer the sales illustration for the exact premium.
2Under Life Promise Plus Option, an amount equal to the 100% of the Total Premiums Paid (excluding loading for modal premiums) shall be payable at the end of the Policy Term, provided the life assured survives till maturity and the policy is not terminated earlier
3This includes first year digital discount of 10% for Limited Pay/Regular Pay and 5% salaried discount. For Single Pay, 1% discount will be available for online purchase and salaried discount each.
5Guaranteed Annual Income (GAI) in the Regular Income option is a percentage of one Annualised Premium while in the Whole Life Income option is a percentage of the Total Premiums Paid
6Tax benefits of up to ₹46,800 u/s 80C is calculated at highest tax slab rate of 31.20% (including cess excluding surcharge) on life insurance premium paid of ₹1,50,000 as per old tax regime. Tax benefits under the policy are subject to conditions laid under Section 80C, 80D,10(10D), 115BAC and other applicable provisions of the Income Tax Act,1961. Good and Service tax and Cess, if any will be charged extra as per prevailing rates. The Tax Free income is subject to conditions specified under section 10(10D) and other applicable provisions of the Income Tax Act,1961. Tax laws are subject to amendments made thereto from time to time. Please consult your tax advisor for details, before acting on above.
7Guaranteed Addition (Endowment option) defined as a percentage of GMB shall accrue at a simple rate for each completed policy year, throughout the Policy Term and shall be payable on Maturity or Death whichever is earlier, subject to all due premiums being paid. GA shall accrue @ 5% of GMB
8Guaranteed Income shall be total of Guaranteed annual Income plus Income Booster payable in a year. Guaranteed Income as per the chosen Income Frequency shall commence after maturity till the end of the Income Period, irrespective of survival of the life insured(s) during the Income Period.
9Income Tax benefits would be available as per the prevailing income tax laws, subject to fulfillment of conditions stipulated therein. Income Tax laws are subject to change from time to time. Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Ltd. does not assume responsibility on tax implication mentioned anywhere in this document. Please consult your own tax consultant to know the tax benefits available to you.
10Return of Premium shall be the return of Total Premiums Paid (excluding loading for modal premiums, discount, any extra premium, rider premium and taxes) by the policyholder and shall be payable at the end of the Income Period irrespective of survival of the life insured(s) during the Income Period.
11Guaranteed returns in this plan depends on Age at Entry of life assured, Premium payment term, policy term, premium amount and plan option chosen.
12The current loyalty addition rate on the Sub-wallet will be 4.05% compounding annually. This rate will be reviewed every six months (on 1st April & 1st October every year).
13All funds open for new business which have completed 5 years since inception are rated 4 star or 5 star by Morningstar as of August 2024
14©2024 Morningstar. All rights reserved. The Morningstar name is a registered trademark of Morningstar, Inc. in India and other jurisdictions. The information contained here: (1) includes the proprietary information of Morningstar, Inc. and its affiliates, including, without limitation, Morningstar India Private Limited (“Morningstar”); (2) may not be copied, redistributed or used, by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior, written consent of Morningstar; (3) is not warranted to be complete, accurate or timely; and (4) may be drawn from data published on various dates and procured from various sources and (5) shall not be construed as an offer to buy or sell any security or other investment vehicle. Neither Morningstar, Inc. nor any of its affiliates (including, without limitation, Morningstar) nor any of their officers, directors, employees, associates or agents shall be responsible or liable for any trading decisions, damages or other losses resulting directly or indirectly from the information.
17Under SurgiCash Benefit of the Tata AIA Health Secure Rider, the payouts are offered basis the categories of surgeries: 10% of sum assured up to Rs. 50,000 for day care procedures such as eye cataract, nasal sinus operation, 25% on Category 1 surgeries, like Amputation of foot or hand, 50% on Category 2 surgeries, like knee or hip replacement, 75% on Category 3 surgeries, like Aortic Valve Repair, and 100% on Category 1 surgeries, like CABG. Refer list of surgeries for benefit payouts.
185-year computed NAV for Multi Cap Fund as of Oct 2024. Other funds are also available. Benchmark of this fund is S&P BSE 200.
19Income Tax benefits would be available as per the prevailing income tax laws under old tax regime, subject to fulfillment of conditions stipulated therein. Income Tax laws are subject to change from time to time. Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Ltd. does not assume responsibility on tax implications mentioned anywhere on this site. Please consult your own tax consultant to know the tax benefits available to you.
20The Insured Amount under Term Booster option (in Vitality Protect Advance) is payable on earlier of death or diagnosis of Terminal illness of the Life Insured. Please refer Terms and Conditions for more details.
22Return of Purchase price means return of all premiums paid excluding any extra premium, any rider premium, taxes and other statutory levies, if applicable
23Illustrated annuity rate is for joint life where one of the annuitants is 60 years of age while the other is above 69 years and purchase price is 25 Lakh and above for plan type - Joint Life Last Survivor Annuity with Return of 100% of Purchase Price (ROP) on death of the last survivor.
24The word Guaranteed, and Guarantee means the annuity payout is fixed at inception of the policy and will be payable for whole of life or till death of the Annuitant(s).
2577,26,727 families protected till 31st March 2023.
26Retail Sum Assured for FY23 is Rs 4,43,479 Crores.
27As on 03rd April 2024, the company has a total Assets Under Management (AUM) of Rs.100,099.11 Crores
28Individual Death Claim Settlement Ratio is 99.13% for FY 2023 - 24 as per the latest annual audited figures.
29Applicable to only non-early claims with more than 3 years of policy duration, non-investigation cases, up to Sum Assured of Rs. 50 lakhs. Applicable for branch walk in. Time limit to submit claim to Tata AIA Life Insurance is 2 pm on working days. Subject to submission of complete documents. Not applicable for ULIP policies and open title claims.
30Riders are not mandatory and are available for a nominal extra cost. For more details on benefits, premiums, and exclusions under the Rider, please contact Tata AIA Life's Insurance Advisor/Intermediary/ branch.
31Return of premium to nominee on death of annuitant under option - “Life Annuity with Return of 100% of Purchase price” and later of the deaths of two annuitant under option - “Joint Life Last Survivor Annuity with Return of 100% of Purchase Price on death of the last survivor
For ULIP products
The fund is managed by Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Ltd. For more details on risk factors, terms and conditions please read Sales Brochure carefully before concluding a sale. The precise terms and condition of this plan are specified in the Policy Contract.
Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Returns are calculated on an absolute basis for a period of less than (or equal to) a year, with reinvestment of dividends (if any).
Investments are subject to market risks. The Company does not guarantee any assured returns. The investment income and price may go down as well as up depending on several factors influencing the market.
Please make your own independent decision after consulting your financial or other professional advisor.
Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Limited is only the name of the Insurance Company & the Unit linked insurance product with Tata AIA /Tata AIA Life Insurance as its prefix is only the name of the Unit Linked Life Insurance contract and does not in any way indicate the quality of the contract, its future prospects or returns.
Unit Linked Life Insurance products are different from the traditional insurance products and are subject to the risk factors. Please know the associated risks and the applicable charges, from your Insurance Agent or Intermediary or Policy Document issued by the Insurance Company.
Various funds offered under this contract are the names of the funds and do not in any way indicate the quality of these plans, their future prospects and returns. The underlying Fund's NAV will be affected by interest rates and the performance of the underlying stocks.
The performance of the managed portfolios and funds is not guaranteed, and the value may increase or decrease in accordance with the future experience of the managed portfolios and funds.
Premium paid in the Unit Linked Life Insurance Policies are subject to investment risks associated with capital markets and the NAVs of the units may go up or down based on the performance of fund and factors influencing the capital market and the Insured is responsible for his/her decisions.
Please know the associated risks and the applicable charges, from your insurance agent or the Intermediary or policy document issued by the Insurance Company.
This product is underwritten by Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Ltd.
The plan is not a guaranteed issuance plan, and it will be subject to company’s underwriting and acceptance.
Insurance cover is available under this product.
For more details on risk factors, terms and conditions please read sales brochure carefully before concluding a sale. The precise terms and condition of this plan are specified in the Policy Contract.
Buying a Life Insurance Policy is a long-term commitment. An early termination of the Policy usually involves high costs, and the Surrender Value payable may be less than the all the Premiums Paid.
In case of non-standard lives and on submission of non-standard age proof, extra premiums will be charged as per our underwriting guidelines.