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Money Back Policy

Fulfil your dreams & secure your loved ones with

Tata AIA Life Insurance Money Back Plans

Our Money Back offering- 

Non-Linked, Participating, Individual Life Insurance Savings Plan (UIN: 110N119V02)

Tata AIA Life Insurance
Money Back Plus

Fullfill your dreams with a flexible policy with additional benefits

Savings Plans - Money Back Plus - Image Banner
Savings Plans - Money Back Plus - Banner Image

Money Back Policy

Fulfil your dreams & secure your loved ones with

Tata AIA Life Insurance Money Back Plans

Our Money Back offering- 

Non-Linked, Participating, Individual Life Insurance Savings Plan (UIN: 110N119V02)

Tata AIA Life Insurance
Money Back Plus

Fullfill your dreams with a flexible policy with additional benefits


When you need to meet your financial goals, it is often not possible to do so without an extra bit of savings. While traditional savings may be helpful, a money-back policy is a more effective way of fulfilling your financial obligations. Since a money back plan pays out a guaranteed$ income to you during your policy term, you can plan your goals accordingly instead of dipping into your emergency savings

With the Tata AIA Life’s Money Back Plan, you can choose from flexible policy options that can be customised for your individual insurance needs. With such a policy, it can be easier to meet your financial commitments as they come and also protect your family with a secure life insurance cover.

Looking to buy a new insurance plan? 

Our experts are happy to help you!


TATA AIA Life Insurance Co. Ltd will send you updates on your policy, new products & services, insurance solutions or related information. Select here to opt-in

What is a Money Back Policy?

A money back policy is a form of life insurance savings plan that helps you save your money and pays a percentage of the benefit back to you in regular intervals during the policy term. In a money back plan, some amount of the sum assured is paid out in the course of the policy tenure, also known as the survival benefit, while the rest of the sum assured will be paid out on maturity with any bonuses, if declared.

An important feature that sets money back policy apart from any other savings plan is that the sum assured and the accrued bonuses will be paid out as a death benefit, even if a certain amount of the sum assured has already been paid out during the policy term. However, this will only include the sum assured and bonuses accumulated only until the demise of the policyholder.

For a better understanding, let’s look into this example.

If Neerja buys a money back plan of 5 Lakh for 20 years, she will pay the premiums for 20 years and will start receiving the 15% of the payouts after the 5th, 10th, and 15th policy years. Hence, 45% of the sum assured will be paid out during the policy term, and on maturity, she will receive the remaining 55% along with any declared bonuses. But in case of her demise in the 18th year, her family gets the sum assured and bonuses accrued until the 18th year.


Here are a few reasons why you should opt for a money back policy from Tata AIA Life Insurance:

  • 01.

    Choice of Plans

    With three flexible money back insurance plan options, you can choose from any policy term and premium payment term as per your needs. You can further customise the policy with a sum assured and premium payment mode of your choice.

  • 02.

    Life Insurance Coverage

    When you buy a money back plan from Tata AIA Life Insurance, you can avail of a life insurance cover along with the survival and maturity benefits. Hence, you can secure your financial future and also protect your family members.

  • 03.

    Guaranteed Payouts

    After a few years into the policy, you can start receiving guaranteed survival benefit payouts at regular intervals through the policy term. These survival benefits are a percentage of the sum assured and help you with your financial obligations.

  • 04.

    Inbuilt Accident Benefit

    An inbuilt accident benefit in the Tata AIA Life Insurance money back policy pays out an amount equal to the basic sum assured in case of the policyholder’s untimely demise, which is over and above the death benefit from the base policy. This benefit is available for all insureds with age at entry 18 years or above.

  • 05.

    Claim Settlement Ratio

    For the year FY2021-22, Tata AIA Life Insurance has had a high claim settlement ratio## of 98.53%, which is proof that your claims will be settled on time and effectively through a smooth process without any difficulties or hassles.

In a money back policy, the policyholder can choose from different policy terms, sum assured, and premium payment terms to find a plan that suits their needs. A life insurance money back policy functions in the following way:

  • Survival Benefit
    The survival benefit is a certain percentage of the sum assured that will be paid out after the policyholder has been invested in the policy for a few years. For eg in the Tata AIA Money Back plus plan, 20% of the sum assured is paid out in thrice during the policy term. Hence in all, 60% of the sum assured is paid as survival benefit.
  • Maturity Benefit
    At the end of the policy term, if the policyholder survives the tenure, they will be eligible for a maturity benefit which also includes any declared bonuses. Tata AIA Money Back plus plan pays 50% to 70% of the sum assured (based on the policy term opted)+ Vested Bonuses (if any); as Maturity benefit
  • Death Benefit
    In case of the policyholder’s death, the sum assured + vested bonuses or the total cover is paid out to the nominee or the family members of the late policyholder. Suppose the policyholder dies a few years before the policy matures; the death benefit is paid out and the policy terminates. Hence no further survival /maturity benefit will be payable. 

Features of a Money Back Policy

  • Flexible premium payment options - Highlights of Tata AIA Life Insurance Sampoorna Raksha Supreme

    Guaranteed Returns

    A money back policy lets you save money and pays out the returns after a few years into the policy year. These plans provide guaranteed returns in the form of Survival Payouts / maturity benefits / death benefit / all of these. 

  • Lower Premium Rates for Women - Highlights of Tata AIA Life Insurance Sampoorna Raksha Supreme

    Survival Benefits

    The survival benefits of a money back policy are offered at regular intervals during the policy term.

    The survival benefit is a certain percentage of the sum assured that will be paid out after the policyholder has been invested in the policy for a few years. For eg in the Tata AIA Money Back plus plan, 20% of the sum assured is paid out in thrice during the policy term at regular intervals. Hence in all, 60% of the sum assured is paid as survival benefit. The survival benefit ensures regular income for the policyholder of the money back policy.

  • Death Benefit Pay-out - Highlights of Tata AIA Life Insurance Sampoorna Raksha Supreme

    Death Benefits

    In case of the policyholder’s untimely demise, a money back policy pays the sum assured as a death benefit to the policyholder’s nominee or family. As a form of savings plan that also offers a life insurance cover, a money back insurance plan pays out a death benefit in case the policyholder passes away during the policy term.

  • Flexibility to Choose Plan Option - Highlights of Tata AIA Life Insurance Sampoorna Raksha Supreme

    Maturity Benefits

    The maturity benefits of a money back policy are paid out at the end of the policy term once the policy matures. Even though the survival benefits are being paid out at regular intervals, you can still receive the maturity benefits, which may include declared bonuses, subject to you surviving the policy term.

  • Option to get Income Pay-outs - Highlights of Tata AIA Life Insurance Sampoorna Raksha Supreme

    Bonuses to Increase the Sum Assured

    In a money back life insurance, the sum assured can be boosted if the insurance company declares a bonus. While a simple reversionary bonus adds to your total sum assured, a compound reversionary bonus is added to the previous year’s Sum Assured and paid out on the new increased sum assured.

  • Maturity Benefits - Highlights of Tata AIA Life Insurance Sampoorna Raksha Supreme

    Optional Riders1

    You can choose to enhance the coverage of your life insurance money back life insurance with an optional rider. By paying a nominal additional premium, you can protect your money back savings in case of an emergency. For instance, a waiver of premium rider can help waive off future premiums on the policy in case of the insured’s death or permanent and total disability. 

Advantages of a Money Back Policy

Returns During the Policy Term

Under a money back life insurance plan, you can start receiving the returns on the plan within a few years of the policy commencement. After a few years, a percentage of the sum assured is paid out to you, and as you get closer to the policy maturity, this percentage may increase, which translates to a higher survival benefit.

Higher Value of Money in Money Back Plans

It is known that the value of money decreases over the years as a result of inflation.  However, since money back life insurance plans pay out survival benefits every few years instead of accumulating them until maturity, the value of the money will be more than if you were to receive the entire benefit only at maturity.

Receive Sum Assured on Maturity

Apart from the percentage of the sum assured paid out to you throughout the policy term, the remainder of the sum assured will be paid out on maturity. This means you have the benefit of receiving survival benefits and maturity benefits or a death benefit, in case of your untimely demise.

Insurance Cover Along with Savings

As a type of savings plan, a money back policy offers life insurance with guaranteed money back benefits. Hence, this dual benefit of life insurance money back plans ensure that you can secure your financial needs and goals while protecting your family under a life insurance cover.

Flexible Plan Options

When you opt for a money back policy, you can choose from flexible premium payment terms, depending on your policy term, and also opt for an annual, semi-annual, or monthly premium payment term and modes. That way, you can ensure that your money back policy is customised as per your needs.

Tax* Savings with a Money Back Policy

Money back policy premiums enable you to claim tax deductions under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act. Additionally, the death benefits and the maturity benefits are also subject to exemption from taxes under Section 10(10D) of the Income Tax Act provided the premium is less than 10% of the sum assured and all applicable conditions as per prevailing tax laws are fulfilled.



Benefits & Components of a Money Back Policy

Once you know how a money back life insurance plan works, it can be easier to choose a money back plan that will help you meet your goals. But to get a clearer look into how it can help you, here are some of the benefits it provides:

Survival Benefits

In a money back plan, a certain percentage of the sum assured is paid out to you, as the survival benefit, in regular intervals during the policy term until the plan matures. Depending on the policy tenure, after a few years, the payout percentage will be paid out along the policy term.

Death Benefits

The death benefit offered to the policyholder’s nominee comprises the sum assured and declared bonuses accumulated until the policyholder’s demise. Any survival benefit that would have been paid out beyond the date of the demise is not deducted from the death benefit.

Maturity Benefits

A major benefit of a money back policy is the maturity benefit which comprises of a lumpsum benefit and the bonuses declared by the provider’s company. Hence, in case the policyholder survives the term, they can avail of a massive maturity benefit.

Sum Assured

The sum assured is the total cover of the policy. It is paid to the policyholder’s nominees as a death benefit or as a maturity benefit to the policyholder if they survive the policy term. Some percentage of the sum assured is paid out as the survival benefit through the policy term.

Simple Reversionary Bonus

At the end of each year, the insurance company may declare a bonus on its insurance policies. When a simple reversionary bonus is declared each year, a percentage of the sum assured will be added to the money back policy until the maturity benefit or the death benefit is paid out.

Compound Reversionary Bonus

The compound reversionary bonus+ is a percentage of the sum assured as well as the bonus from the previous year. This bonus is also paid as the maturity benefit or death benefit. If declared and added, the bonus amount for the upcoming policy year will be greater than the last year.

Terminal Bonus+

A terminal bonus may be declared by the insurance company if the policyholder stays invested in the plan and consistently pays all the premiums. 


How to Choose a Money Back Policy?

Choosing a money back policy is not about going for the very first policy that you see. To ensure that you have a suitable money back policy that helps you meet your short-term and long-term goals, be sure to look into the following factors that go into selecting the right money back plan for your needs:

  • Buy Term Insurance Plan Online At Younger Age

    Financial goals

    A money back policy is meant to help you fulfil your short-term and long-term financial goals. Therefore, plan the funds you will need to fulfil these obligations so that you can invest that amount in the money back policy and get the returns as the policy term progresses.
    Buy Term Insurance Plan Online At Younger Age

    Financial goals

    A money back policy is meant to help you fulfil your short-term and long-term financial goals. Therefore, plan the funds you will need to fulfil these obligations so that you can invest that amount in the money back policy and get the returns as the policy term progresses.
  • Newly married couples should buy Tata AIA Term Insurance Policy Online

    Decide the policy term

    Depending on when you need to meet your goals, choose a money back policy term that will enable you to receive the payouts when you need the funds. Deciding the policy term will also help you plan the premium paying term and invest in the money back life insurance plan.
    Newly married couples should buy Tata AIA Term Insurance Policy Online

    Decide the policy term

    Depending on when you need to meet your goals, choose a money back policy term that will enable you to receive the payouts when you need the funds. Deciding the policy term will also help you plan the premium paying term and invest in the money back life insurance plan.
  • Parents should Buy Tata AIA Term Insurance Policy Online

    The right sum assured

    A sum assured that is too low may not be enough for your purpose when the benefits are paid out as survival benefit or even at maturity. Consider the various expenses and financial obligations and plan an adequate sum assured so that the payouts, as well as the maturity benefit, provide enough financial support.
    Parents should Buy Tata AIA Term Insurance Policy Online

    The right sum assured

    A sum assured that is too low may not be enough for your purpose when the benefits are paid out as survival benefit or even at maturity. Consider the various expenses and financial obligations and plan an adequate sum assured so that the payouts, as well as the maturity benefit, provide enough financial support.
  • Investor need to pay regular monthly amounts of money towards your market linked investments

    Number of payouts

    If you have financial obligations to be fulfilled during the policy term, such as repaying some EMIs, you can plan the number of payouts such that you can manage your repayment schedule with the money back policy benefits and utilise them to fulfil your financial commitments.
    Investor need to pay regular monthly amounts of money towards your market linked investments

    Number of payouts

    If you have financial obligations to be fulfilled during the policy term, such as repaying some EMIs, you can plan the number of payouts such that you can manage your repayment schedule with the money back policy benefits and utilise them to fulfil your financial commitments.

When you want to purchase a money back policy, it is essential that you meet the eligibility criteria so that the policy may be issued to you

  • Age at Issue

    The policyholder or the insured should meet the age criteria for the money back policy. The minimum age at issue and maximum age at issue will differ from policy to policy or as per the plan option selected by you.

  • Age at Maturity

    It is important to understand the minimum and maximum age at maturity. While the maturity age may vary across policies, the minimum and maximum age at maturity for the Tata AIA Life Insurance Money Back Plus is 18 years and 75 years, respectively.

  • Documents

    When purchasing a money back policy, you will be required to provide proof of income. The proof of income document will indicate that you are able to pay the policy premiums as per the sum assured chosen by you.

Documents Required for Money Back Policy

When you want to buy a life insurance money back plan, these are the following documents you will need

  • Proof of Age

    Birth Certificate
    Voter ID Card
    High School Certificate
    Driving License

  • Proof of Address

    Aadhar Card
    Electricity Bill
    Driving License
    Telephone Bill
    Ration Card

  • Proof of Identity

    Aadhar Card
    PAN Card
    Voter ID
    Driving License

  • Proof of Income

    Bank Statements
    Salary Slips
    Income Tax Returns

Other Tata AIA Life Insurance Plans in Different Categories

Savings Solutions

Tata AIA Life Insurance savings plans enable you to build your wealth in the form of long-term savings over the policy period that offer guaranteed returns on maturity to fulfil your financial goals and a life cover to protect your dear ones.

Term Insurance

Our Tata AIA Life Insurance term plans can help you secure the future of your loved ones through a pure life cover and protect them from the impact of uncertain events such as loss of income, death, medical emergencies, and more.

Wealth Solutions

Tata AIA Life Insurance Unit-Linked Insurance Plans help you achieve your goals by creating and growing your wealth through investments, enabling you to enjoy the benefits of market-linked returns along with a secure life cover.

Optional Covers or Riders Available in a Money Back Policy

When you buy a money back policy, you can add optional riders to your plan depending on your needs and the kind of emergencies you want to be prepared for. Get additional Coverage from one or more risks like Hospitalization expenses, Critical Illness like cancer, heart ailments etc, Death, Accidental Death / Disability, through our riders by paying a nominal additional premium

These rider benefits can be taken either as a lump sum and income for a fixed period, income till the survival of your partner, or as a waiver of premium

Here are some of the optional riders or covers that you can add to life insurance money back plans for a nominal additional premium:

Critical Illness Rider

Covers critical illness which includes cancer, heart ailments.

Hospitalization Rider

helps cover hospitalisation costs

Accidental Total & Permanent Disability

covers total and permanent disability due to accidents

Accidental Death

covers death due to accident

Term Booster

Additional benefit paid to nominee on Insured’s death

Waiver of Premium -

Premium waived in case of Death/ Accidental disability or critical illness as applicable to enable you to enjoy continuity of benefits even though you cannot pay premiums.



Why Do You Need to Buy a Money Back Policy?

At any point in time, you will need to have some additional financial provisions in place apart from your monthly income. A life insurance savings plan can be of great use in such situations. However, if you need to access these funds well before the policy matures, a money back policy can help you meet your financial commitments. Hence, these are some of the reasons why you need to buy a money back plan:

Life Insurance & Savings

Being a savings plan, a money back life insurance policy helps you save for your future goals while also protecting your family from uncertain situations in your absence. The dual benefit of savings and insurance in life insurance money back policy make it a good option if you need more than a simple life cover.

Steady Source of Income

The payouts of life insurance money back plans help you receive a steady source of income once you start getting the survival benefits a few years into the policy. With these survival benefit payouts, it becomes easier for you to plan your future expenses and also any additional expenses that need to be handled.


Unlike other savings plans, a money back policy starts offering the benefits after a few years from the commencement of the policy. Hence, you need not wait until the end of the policy term to access the saved funds. Along with these payouts, you can also get a maturity benefit at the end of the policy term, if eligible.

Guaranteed Benefits

The sum assured that can be received by your nominee as a death benefit or by you as a maturity benefit includes guaranteed payouts. Even the payouts offered to you at regular intervals during the policy term are assured. Such guaranteed benefits make the money back policy an optimal choice for your needs.

Maturity and Death Benefits

A money back policy is not only useful for their survival benefit payouts but also for their maturity benefits and death benefits. The death benefit, comprising the accrued sum assured and bonuses up to the date of the demise, will be paid out, irrespective of the survival benefits already paid.

What Do You Need to Understand Before You Buy a Money Back Policy?

Understand Money Back Plans

Money back policies are saving plans but work differently. Other savings plans accumulate the entire financial corpus until the end of the policy term, while money back policy start paying out the survival benefits during the course of the policy term. 

Know your financial expectations

Before you invest in a money back plan, it is important to know how much financial support you will need for your goals, and only then will you be able to decide on a sum assured for the money back plan. This will also determine how much you will receive in the form of payouts during the policy term.

Understand the features

Money back plans have a unique feature, unlike other savings plans. For example, the death benefit under a money back policy is the sum assured and declared bonuses accumulated until the death of the policyholder, even though the survival benefit may have been paid out during those years.

Be informed of the exclusions.

The exclusions or what life insurance money back plans do not offer is an important component of any life insurance policy. For instance, pay attention to the various circumstances under which the company may not be obliged to pay out some of the plan benefits before you choose a money back policy.

FAQs on Money Back Plans

Generic Coverage Premiums Claim

What is a money back plan?

A money back policy is a form of life insurance that helps you save your funds over the policy term for a maturity benefit while also receiving payouts during regular intervals throughout the policy term. 

Can I customise a money back plan as per my needs?

Yes, if your money back policy offers different plan options with different policy terms and premium payment terms, you can choose a sum assured and a premium payment mode as per your needs and budget and customise your money back policy.

What purpose does a money back policy serve?

A money back policy serves as a savings policy and a mode of receiving guaranteed payouts during the policy term. Moreover, life insurance money back plans also offer life insurance protection to you and your family so that in the event of an unfortunate occurrence, they are able to support themselves.

When is the best time to opt for a life insurance money back policy?

Try and opt for a money back plan when you have planned out a certain timeline for the fulfilment of your financial goals. Money back plans start paying out survival benefits after a few years in the policy. At the end of the policy term, you can be eligible for a maturity benefit if you outlive the policy term. Get a money back plan that syncs well with your long-term and short-term goals.

Is it possible to surrender a money back plan?

You may choose to surrender your money back plan as long as the policy has acquired a surrender value. However, it is recommended that you do not surrender your money back plan as it can provide guaranteed income and maturity benefits to you to help you achieve your financial goals. 

What is the inbuilt accident benefit in the Tata AIA Life’s  Money Back Plan?

The inbuilt accident benefit in the Tata AIA Life’s Money Back Plan pays out an additional amount equal to the basic sum assured in case of the policyholder’s untimely demise due to an accident. After the benefit is paid out, the policy will be terminated no, and no other benefit under the policy shall be payable. This benefit is available to Life Assureds with an entry age of 18 years and above.

Are there tax benefits for all money back plans?

Yes, the premiums paid towards the money back policy are eligible for tax deductions under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act, while the death benefits and maturity benefits are tax-exempt under Section 10(10D) of the Income Tax Act, subject to the policy terms and conditions.

Does a money back policy also offer life insurance coverage?

Yes, life insurance money back plans offer life insurance coverage so that you can protect your family’s needs while taking care of your financial commitments with guaranteed payouts during the policy term.

How can I ensure affordable premiums for my money back plan?

Tata AIA Life Insurance enables you to compare the plan options to choose which money back policy is best suited for your needs. You can choose a coverage amount and policy term such that the premiums are not too heavy on your pocket.

How to pay the premiums under a money back policy?

You can pay the premiums on an annual, semi-annual, and monthly basis under a life insurance money back policy.

What is the minimum and maximum sum assured under Tata AIA’s Money Back Plus?

You can choose a minimum sum assured of Rs. 2,00,000 under Tata AIA’s Money Back Plus, while there is no limit to the maximum sum assured for the policy, subject to policy underwriting.

For how many years do I need to pay my premiums for my money back policy?

Tata AIA Life Insurance Money Back Plus offers three plans options that you can choose from. Depending on the policy term and the premium payment term of your preference, you need only pay the premiums accordingly.

What type of claims can be filed on a money back insurance plan?

In case of the policyholder’s death, their nominee can file a death claim on the money back policy. If the policyholder outlives the policy term, then they are entitled to a maturity benefit and will have to file a maturity claim.

Can a claim be processed if the nominee is not in India?

Yes, to file the claim, if the nominee is not in India, they will have to upload the attested copies of their documents online or send them to us by email. To file the claim offline, they will have to courier the documents to their representative in India, and they can visit us at any of our offices to file the claim.

How can my nominee file an online or offline claim for a money back policy?

As a nominee, you can file a claim after the policyholder’s death and contact us through any of the given channels: 

  • Email us at:
  • Call our helpline number - 1860-266-9966 (local charges apply)
  • Walk into any of the Tata AIA Life Insurance Company branch offices
  • Write directly to us at:

The Claims Department,
Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Limited
B- Wing, 9th Floor,
I-Think Techno Campus,
Behind TCS, Pokhran Road No.2,
Close to Eastern Express Highway,
Thane (West) 400 607.
IRDA Regn. No. 110

What are the documents needed to file a claim?

Please click here to know the list of documents needed for the claim intimation and settlement process.

How soon can a claim be settled?

It takes 30 days, as per the regulatory TAT (turn-around time), to settle a claim effectively. But if there is any further investigation required into the claim, the process will take up to 90 days, as per the regulatory TAT.

When does the death claim need to be filed?

The death claim should be filed soon after the policyholder’s death. There will be a list of documents needed to file the death claim, and once these documents have been procured, for example, the death certificate, along with other papers, you can file the claim.


  • This product is underwritten by Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Ltd. This plan is not a guaranteed issuance plan and it will be subject to Company’s underwriting and acceptance
  • *Income Tax benefits would be available as per the prevailing income tax laws, subject to fulfillment of conditions stipulated therein. Income Tax laws are subject to change from time to time. Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Ltd. does not assume responsibility on tax implication mentioned anywhere in this document. Please consult your own tax consultant to know the tax benefits available to you.
  • Insurance cover is available under this product
  • Participation by customers shall be on voluntary basis
  • Company may request medical examination based on the Board Approved Underwriting Policy. In the event of the Company requesting for a medical examination, the cost of such medical examination shall be borne by Tata AIA Life.
  • Riders are not mandatory and are available for a nominal extra cost. For more details on the benefits, premiums and exclusions under the riders please refer to the Rider Brochure or contact our Insurance Advisor or visit our nearest branch office.
  • For more details on risk factors, terms and conditions please read sales brochure carefully before concluding a sale.
  • In case of sub-standard lives, based on proposer's health or occupation, extra premium will be charged as per the Company's Board Approved Underwriting Policy. Policy will be issued only after obtaining the consent from the Proposer on the additional premium charge
  • +Compound Reversionary Bonus and Terminal Bonus will be based on Company’s performance and are not guaranteed.
  • 1Riders are not mandatory and are available for a nominal extra cost. For more details on benefits, premiums and exclusions under the Rider, please contact Tata AIA Life's Insurance Advisor/Intermediary/ branch.
  • $Guaranteed Returns/Payouts depend on Plan Option, Policy Term, Premium Payment Term and Age at entry
  • ##Individual Life Claim Settlement Ratio is 98.53% for FY 2021 - 22 as per the latest annual audited figures
  • L&C/Advt/2022/Dec/3078

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