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Forced labour

Employees should not be forced, bound, indentured, or subjected to involuntary/prison labor.


Child labor avoidance

Vendors/service providers and their subcontractors will not hire any person under the age for completing compulsory education, or under the minimum age for employment in the applicable state, whichever is greater.


Working hours

Working time of the employee of the vendor/service provider shall be as per the Shop & Establishment Act or any other relevant laws applicable in the said geography.


Respect in the workplace

Vendor/service providers and their subcontractors will treat their employees with respect and dignity and ensure that they are not subjected to any form of physical, sexual, psychological or verbal harassment or abuse.


Wages and benefits

Compensations should comply with all applicable wage laws, including those that regulate minimum wages, timely wages, overtime hours and legally mandated benefits.


Health and safety

Vendors/service providers should provide adequate and safe working conditions and comply with applicable health and safety policies and laws of the applicable state or geography.


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