Tata AIA Life Insurance InstaProtect comprises Tata AIA Life Insurance Sampoorna Raksha Supreme (Non-Linked, Non-Participating, Individual Life Insurance Plan) (UIN: 110N160V02) - Life Option (in case Return of Premium is No) or Life Plus Option (in case of Return of Premium is Yes), Tata AIA Life Insurance Non-Linked Comprehensive Protection Rider (NLCPR) (UIN: 110B033V02) - A Non-linked, Non-participating, Individual Health Rider; Tata AIA Life Insurance Non-Linked Comprehensive Health Rider (NLCPR) (UIN: 110B031V02) - A Non-linked, Non- participating, Individual Health Rider.
CritiCare Plus (CPB), Accidental Death Benefit (ADB), Accidental Total & Permanent Disability (ATPD) are benefit options available under Tata AIA Life Insurance Non-Linked Comprehensive Protection Rider (A Non-linked, Non-participating, Individual Health Rider) (UIN: 110B033V02 or any later version). HospiCare Benefit (HCB) is a benefit option available under Tata AIA Life Insurance Non-Linked Comprehensive Health Rider (A Non-linked, Non-participating, Individual Health Rider) (UIN: 110B031V02 or any later version)
~Express Issuance for standard lives. The solution will be underwritten by Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Limited. Additional Requirements may be called at underwriters discretion.
Life cover is available in this solution. The solutions are not guaranteed issuance solutions and will be subject to Company’s underwriting and acceptance. In the case of sub-standard lives, extra premiums will be charged as per our underwriting guidelines.
The solutions are underwritten by Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Limited. For more details on the benefits, premiums and exclusions under the rider, please refer to the Rider Brochure or contact our Insurance Advisor /Intermediary or visit our nearest branch office.