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Effective ways to reduce Stress, Anxiety and Tension in your life

Gone are the days when just an apple a day could keep the doctor away. With stress, tension and anxiety, a result of today’s fast-moving life, taking a toll on one’s health, it is necessary to take some time off from our busy schedules to prioritise our well-being to continue walking on a smooth life path.

Here are some effective ways to reduce stress, anxiety and unwanted tension in your life,

  1. Take time off from your screens

    Be it our workplace with laptops or at home, we are mostly glued to our gadgets; to the extent that scrolling to view Instagram reels, is no longer for entertainment purposes but an addiction. Stop! Take some time away from your screens.

    Excessive screen time adversely affects one’s psychological well-being. Like idealising what is portrayed in the social media world and the lack of it in one’s reality gives way to negative emotions, leading to stress and anxiety. It also disrupts a sound sleep pattern which affects brain functioning and results in mood swings due to improper rest given to our system.

  2. Inhale fresh air, Exhale stress

    Slow down. Let peace and calm enter your system by meditating for just 10 minutes everyday. Feel your breath filling your lungs and slowly exhale the unwanted tension out of your life.

  3. The Small things aren’t small

    Notice and enjoy the small things around you. Like flowers blooming in your garden, savour the taste of your morning tea or the aroma of your freshly brewed coffee. You can also incorporate simple yoga exercises for increasing mindfulness. Such activities calm one’s mind and bring tranquillity.

  4. You are your number 1 priority

    Indulge in some self-care. Keep it short, sweet and simple to easily incorporate it in your daily lifestyle.

    Light up some aromatherapy fragrant candles to make your home warm and welcoming, have a hot oil head massage, use calming essential oils like lavender in bath water, read just 4,5 pages from your favourite novel every morning before work, at night before sleeping or go for an evening stroll.

    Talking about prioritising yourself, remember your flight attendant’s instructions during your air trips, ‘Put on your oxygen mask before helping others’?

    You can only be an asset to others, protect your loved ones, if you yourself are mentally and physically healthy first.

  5. Socialise

    Go out with friends and family. Share your feelings with your close ones to reduce the burden while also having fun conversation away from work and other obligations to lighten the mood and stir positive emotions, driving away unnecessary tension.

  6. Limit Caffeine consumption

    While your favourite cup of Java, or the healthy Green tea comes with multiple health benefits but the important point to consider is, only when consumed in moderation.

    Too much consumption of these beverages containing caffeine can make you feel hyper, jittery, overwhelmed, anxious and can also lead to headaches. Specially avoid before bedtime as it can disturb a sound sleep cycle.

  7. Disconnect to Connect

    Sometimes due to busy schedules and hectic work cycle, we tend to forget about what we loved doing the most in our free times. Disconnect from stress, anxiety and tension by connecting back with your favorite hobbies like, music, painting, cooking, hiking, doodling or join a dance class or a baking session on weekends.

    Try these tips and welcome a healthy change.

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