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Dhanlaxmi Yojana: The Complete Guide

31-10-2022 |

Female education rate has been rising rapidly. Therefore, the Government has been launching many new schemes and plans to encourage people to send their girl child to study in schools and gain education for the betterment of their lives. Moreover, the government is also ensuring that parents who do not have enough resources to provide education can send their children to school with the help of various schemes set up by the government.

Among their many initiatives to further this, the government introduced the Dhanlaxmi Scheme for the girl child.

What is the Dhanlaxmi Yojana Scheme?

The government of India and the Women and Child Development Organisation in India developed the Dhanlaxmi scheme for the girl child to decrease the number of female infanticide cases in the nation and provide insurance and a financial incentive for schooling. Though the Dhanlaxmi Yojana is no longer in place due to the government's introduction of more appealing initiatives throughout the years, it helped change how people thought about female children in many ways.

The scheme's main goal was to lower the alarmingly high prevalence of female infanticide in most of the nation's states. By providing parents with compelling insurance coverage, encouraging them to provide education to their girl children, and paying for some of the girl children's medical expenditures, the programme also attempted to end child marriage. The Dhanlaxmi Yojana plan's objective was to cherish a girl child's existence and stop treating her as a burden.

Dhanlaxmi Yojana - Objectives

After reading what the Dhanlaxmi Yojana is all about above, you may have understood this plan's basic aim. However, if you want to know more about the objectives of this plan, they have been put together more comprehensively for your benefit;

  • The insurance policy has a specific goal of preventing female infanticide.
  • Through various household financial benefits, the programme targets gender prejudice issues by persuading the family to raise a female child. In addition, it pays for the girl's education, the avoidance of child marriage, and various medical costs.
  • The girl's education aims to provide her with the tools she needs to seize the possibilities that come her way and aspire toward a bright future.
  • The plan aims to dispel the stigma associated with the girl's birth, which was thought to be a terrible omen. Instead, it attempts to emphasise how valuable the girl is as an equal family member.
Dhanlaxmi Yojana - Eligibility Criteria

The Dhanlaxmi Scheme for the girl child is set up to provide various benefits, including a monetary stimulus and insurance coverage, to the point where a girl has reached adulthood and remains unmarried. Girls are urged to enrol in school, stay in school until at least class 8, and postpone marriage until they are at least 18 years old.

To put it another way, the Dhanlaxmi Yojana seeks to give women financial freedom and boost their self-esteem so they can confront the world on an equal footing with men. The eligibility criteria in the programme are impartial regarding the caste, ethnicity, religion, or financial status of the beneficiary, making it accessible to every girl in the areas in which it has been implemented.

The following qualifications must be met to apply for a benefit under the Dhanlaxmi Yojana plan:

  • Starting November 8, 2008, all female children became eligible for the programme.
  • No matter how many girls were in the household, all qualified.
  • This scheme did not consider a girl child's financial or social background.
  • The girl has to be a citizen of India.
Benefits of the Dhanlaxmi Scheme for the Girl Child

Some benefits that the Dhanlaxmi scheme provided girl children and their parents include;

  • The government provided a preliminary monetary incentive of ₹5,000 to every girl child born post-November 8, 2008, enrolled in the programme, and listed under their jurisdiction.
  • The programme gave parents a ₹1 Lakh insurance plan when their daughter turned 18 and if she hadn't already been married to avoid child marriage.
  • The programme paid for the child's education from the time she enrolled until she finished eighth grade. Parents received an incentive payment of ₹1000 for enrolling their children in school. In addition, a monetary incentive of ₹500 per year was provided to the parents of students in grades 1 through 5.
    In addition, parents received an annual monetary reward of ₹750 for their daughter's secondary school fees. As financial compensation for educating the girl child through the eighth grade, a total of ₹5,750 was granted.
  • Contingent to the child's age, the monetary incentives were variable. If a girl child was already in Grade 1, for instance, she qualifies for financial incentives for her schooling rather than immunisations and birth registrations.
  • A financial incentive worth up to ₹1,250 was given for immunisations for female babies between 6 weeks and 24 months. This took care of the price parents in underdeveloped states normally pay to immunise their children.

As we have seen, the Dhanlaxmi Yojana has been a great initiative by the government of India to help parents understand the value of their girl child. Girl children should not be seen as burdens but as a pillar of society, without whom our world would completely fall apart. When we see a girl child, it is not enough to see her as a mother, sister or wife of tomorrow. Rather, we need to see her as a woman in her own right.

If you wish to go the extra mile and show your care and concern for your girl child, you must consider her future. There may be a time in your daughter’s life when you are not there to provide for her needs. However, you can go the extra mile and protect her financially even then. You can do this by getting a life policy for yourself. When you have a life policy, you know your child will be cared for even after you are gone.

Getting a life insurance policy can help your children continue their education even when you are not there. Moreover, the maturity benefits from the life insurance plan can be used to fund their higher education. For a tailor-made life insurance plan, you need not look beyond the Tata AIA life insurance policy. We offer you a whole range of policies you can choose from, and you also get the trust that Tata AIA’s name brings you.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Is child marriage allowed in India?

Child marriage is prohibited in India under the Prevention of Child Marriage Act of 2006.

Which states are covered under the Dhanlaxmi Yojana Plan?

Specific districts under the states of Punjab, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Odisha and Andhra Pradesh are covered under the Dhanlaxmi Yojana Plan.

Are there any plans at present that are similar to the Dhanlaxmi Scheme?

Yes, the Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana plans are similar to the Dhanlaxmi Scheme. The Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana plans also aim at protecting the girl child by offering incentives to her parents.


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