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Vitamin B12 Foods: Sources and Health Benefits

Vitamin B12 plays a pivotal role in maintaining the physical as well as mental health of human beings. While a variety of Vitamin B12 supplements are available in the market, it works best when consumed through natural sources. Keep reading to learn about the best Vitamin B12 food sources.

Are you constantly feeling lethargic or experiencing symptoms such as frequent headaches, mood swings, depression and anxiety? If yes, your body might be running low on Vitamin B12.

Vitamin B12 is one of the most critical nutreints that affect every cell present in your body. It is a water-soluble vitamin and is also known as cobalamin. Although vitamin B12 deficiency is common, it can result in serious consequences if it gets severe. Besides the above-mentioned symptoms, it can lead to an array of health issues that may or may not be covered by your health insurance.

The good thing is you can prevent this from happening by consuming this vital vitamin from its natural sources. In this blog, we will list the best vitamin B12 food sources and discuss the benefits of each. Keep reading!

Why is Vitamin B12 Important for You?

Learning the difference between healthy food and junk food is a small step towards better health. But for the overall betterment of your health, it is important to understand the importance of vital nutrients like vitamin B12 in your body.

Vitamin B12, or cobalamin, is responsible for numerous bodily functions. Following are some reasons why you should start taking vitamin B12 regularly:

  • Boost the Formation of Red Blood Cells: Vitamin B12 is fundamental for the formation of red blood cells or RBCs that, in turn, supply oxygen to the rest of your body. In the absence of vitamin B12, the RBCs can become inefficient and weak, which can lead to issues such as fatigue and anaemia.
  • Boost Energy Levels: By supporting the metabolism of carbs and fats, vitamin B12 can boost the conversion of food into energy. This, in turn, keeps your energy levels high and helps you stay fit and active throughout the day.
  • Improves Neurological Health: If you are dealing with neurological disorders, vitamin B12 deficiency might be one of the reasons to blame. The reason is simple: B12 plays a significant part in developing and maintaining a healthy nervous system.
    It supports the formation of myelin, a protective layer around nerve fibres. If not supplied properly, vitamin B12 can lead to issues such as numbness and tingling in body parts, weak memory and so on.
  • Supports a Healthy Heart: Another Vitamin B12 benefit is that it also supports a healthy heart. It regulates the formation of homocysteine, an amino acid that leads to cardiac problems when produced at higher levels.
  • Improves Cognitive Functions and Uplift Mood: According to some research studies, low levels of vitamin B12 are associated with low cognitive functions, especially in the elderly. It means you can improve your cognitive functions by consuming foods rich in Vitamin B12. Moreover, this vitamin can also help you relieve stress and uplift your mood.
  • Reduces Risk of Birth Defects for Pregnant Women: Ensuring the right levels of vitamin B12 are crucial during pregnancy. Note that the low B12 levels in a pregnant woman can lead to a weaker nervous system for her baby.

What Are the Common Signs and Symptoms of Vitamin B12 Deficiency?

Before we move on the vitamin B12 food sources, let’s take a look at the most common symptoms and signs of vitamin B12 deficiency:

  • Yellow or Pale Skin: Lack of fully developed red blood cells can result in anaemia, making your skin pale or yellow. It can also lead to jaundice that worsens the condition by turning the white portion of your eyes to yellow due to higher levels of a compound called bilirubin.  

  • Constant Fatigue: Individuals who are low on vitamin B12 are very likely to feel fatigued. While experiencing lethargy is common, fatigue caused by vitamin B12 is constant and doesn’t go away that easily. This happens because the RBCs fail to supply oxygen to the body parts in an efficient manner. So, if you are constantly feeling tired and lethargic, you might need to increase your vitamin B12 intake.

  • Headaches: Headaches are among other common symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency. Not just in adults, but this symptom is also very common in kids. If you are suffering from frequent headaches and migraine problems, your body might be running low on vitamin B12.

  • Depression and Anxiety: The deficiency of vitamin B12 is greatly associated with the risk of anxiety and depression. Note that low levels of B12 can increase the concentration of an amino acid known as homocysteine, which in turn contributes to conditions such as depression. Besides, it can lead to many other mental health problems, such as mood swings, psychosis, etc.

  • Gastrointestinal Problems: If you are experiencing issues like bloating, diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, and other gastrointestinal symptoms, then you are very likely to be deficient in vitamin B12. These issues are common in both adults and kids.

  • Other Signs: Some other signs of B12 deficiency include muscle weakness, muscle cramps, erectile dysfunction, visual problems, impaired coordination, lack of concentration, and so on.

Best Vitamin B12 Food Sources: Top 10 Foods Containing Vitamin B12

Now that we have discussed the significance of vitamin B12 in your body along with the common symptoms of B12 deficiency, let's look at the list of vitamin B12-rich foods.

Following are the best foods containing vitamin B12 for vegetarians, non-vegetarians, and vegans:

  • Button Mushrooms
    Vitamin B12 deficiency is mostly common in vegetarians and vegans as they do not consume meat and poultry, which are considered rich sources of vitamin B12. However, there are plenty of plant-based food items that are capable of supplying your body enough vitamin B12 when consumed regularly.

    Having said that, one of the best vitamin B12 vegetables is the white button mushroom. One full cup of this mushroom variety can provide you with around 0.03 mcg of B12. Here is an important tip: avoid overcooking your mushrooms, which can destroy their vitamin content. The best way to cook them is to lightly steam or sauté them.

  • Salmon
    A salmon filet a day will keep your vitamin B12 deficiency at bay. Salmon is a wonderful fish. Not only is it healthy, but it is supremely delicious. Not to mention, it makes one of the best vitamin B12-rich foods for non-vegetarians. The best part about salmon is that it is very low in calories and doesn’t cause any gastrointestinal issues like gas and bloating. Note that 100 grams of salmon can give you a whopping 9 mcg of B12.

  • Yoghurt
    Yogurt or curd is the next best vitamin B12 foods vegetarian Indians can include in their daily diet. A single bowl of fresh yoghurt can serve you with 1.3 mcg of vitamin B12, sufficient for your body’s requirements.

    It is one of the most delicious ways to complete your B12 intake. All you need to do is take a bowl of thick, fresh curd and top it up with your favourite fruits and nuts. You can also have it in your smoothies.

    Apart from supplying vitamin B12, yoghurt can also do wonders for your gut by promoting the growth of healthy bacteria. Moreover, those who experience bloating or indigestion after eating yoghurt can try using its low-fat variety instead of the full-fat variant.

  • Chicken
    Chicken is the crowned source of lean protein. But you will be amazed to know that it is also an excellent source of vitamin B12. A single serving of grilled chicken is sufficient to provide you with around 13 mcg of B12. It is easy to cook and easy to consume as well. But since chicken is high in calories, eat it in a limited portion.

  • Eggs
    You will be amazed to know that eggs can fulfil 17% of your body’s vitamin B12 requirements. By consuming just one or two eggs daily, you can bid goodbye to your vitamin deficiency. The best way to eat eggs is in the form of omelette and hard-boiled eggs. Moreover, apart from your regular chicken eggs, you can also try duck and goose eggs, as they are also good sources of vitamin B12.

  • Cottage Cheese
    Another amazing source of vitamin B12 for vegetarians is none other than cottage cheese or our beloved “paneer”. Besides B12, it is also rich in protein and calcium. No need to mention there are hundreds of ways to incorporate this amazing food into your diet. You can add it to your salads and curries or have it sautéed with some vegetables of your choice. If you want to avoid extra calories, you can also consume it fresh and uncooked in small quantities.
  • Fortified Soy Milk
    If you are a vegan or lactose intolerant, soy milk is a perfect source of vitamin B12. Although it is not a natural B12 source, it can serve around 2 mcg of B12 per cup after fortification. Apart from Vitamin B12 benefits, soy milk is a good source of protein as well.

  • Red Meat
    Red meat, mainly lamb, can help you overcome your vitamin B12 deficiency very quickly. As compared to chicken and fish, it contains more vitamin B12. However, it also has higher levels of cholesterol and, hence, must be eaten in moderation.  

  • Sardines
    Sardines are among the healthiest fish to eat. Not only are these delicious but they are also filled with a number of benefits. Besides curing your B12 deficiency, these little fish can also do wonders for your gut, hair, nails, and skin. For maximum benefits, try having them grilled instead of fried.

  • Fortified Cereals
    Here is another vitamin B12 option for vegetarians. You can consume cereals that are fortified with vitamin B12 to meet your daily intake. There are a variety of fortified cereals available in the market you can try.

What is the Recommended daily dose of Vitamin B12?

The recommended daily allowance or RDA for B13 varies depending on individuals' age and health condition. Moreover, it is different for pregnant and breastfeeding ladies.

The following tables show the vitamin B12 RDA for different age groups:

Age Group

Recommended Intake

0-6 months

0.4 mcg

7-12 months

0.5 mcg

1-3 years

0.9 mcg

4-8 years

1.2 mcg

9-13 years

1.8 mcg

14 years and above

2.4 mcg

Moreover, pregnant women should intake around 2.6 mcg of vitamin B12 and 2.8 mcg while breastfeeding.

Foods and Drinks to Avoid If You Have Vitamin B12 Deficiency

There are certain foods and drinks that can drop your vitamin B12 level further and prevent you from overcoming your B12 deficiency. These are as follows:

  • Alcohol: Alcohol is dangerous to your health. But still, most people ignore this fact and keep consuming it for fun. Note that it reduces the levels of vitamin B12 in your body, leaving you deficient.

    Apart from that, alcohol consumption can result in several other consequences, such as liver failure, high blood pressure, and whatnot. So, avoid drinking alcohol, especially if you are suffering from vitamin B12 deficiency.

  • Folic-acid Fortified Foods: Folate, also known as vitamin B9, is one of the most essential nutrients for pregnant women. As per the CDC (Centre for Disease Control and Prevention), women passing through their reproductive age must consume at least 400 mcg of folic acid every day.

    However, according to recent studies, excessive amounts of folate can also result in vitamin B12 deficiency. For the same reason, folic acid from fortified foods should be limited to a daily intake of 1,000 mcg each day. It should not go beyond this limit.

Final Words

Vitamin B12 is an essential for the optimum growth and development of the human nervous system. Regular intake of B12 from natural food sources can improve overall health. On the other hand, low levels of B12 can cause its deficiency and may lead to a plethora of health problems, such as anaemia, fatigue, muscle weakness, depression, anxiety, and more.

We have listed the best vitamin B12 food sources you can consume to keep your body healthy and free from B12 deficiency. We have also discussed the recommended levels of this amazing vitamin. So, make sure to go through them carefully before including B12 food sources into your diet.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Does vitamin B12 cause constipation?

Vitamin B12 does not cause issues such as constipation. However, its deficiency may lead to many gastrointestinal problems like constipation, gas, bloating, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and more.

Is Vitamin B12 Safe to Consume?

As long as you rely on natural sources for your daily vitamin B12 intake and take it as per your recommended amount, it is completely safe. However, the same can not be said if you use supplements or take B12 beyond the recommended amount.

Who is at an Increased Risk of Vitamin B12 Deficiency?

The vegetarian sources of Vitamin B12 are less as compared to the non-vegetarian sources such as meat, chicken, fish and eggs. Therefore, vegetarians and vegans are at greater risk of vitamin B12 deficiency. Moreover, people with diabetes, chronic alcohol disorder, and gastrointestinal problems are also at risk of B12 deficiency.


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