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15 Seated Yoga Poses To Improve Flexibility, Mobility, And Posture

Yoga originated in ancient India as a physical, mental, and spiritual practice. Some seated yoga poses improve your flexibility, mobility, and posture.

Have you been feeling stiff lately? Finding it hard to sit up straight at your work desk? Don't worry - we have a solution for you.

Seated yoga poses are gentle yet highly effective in enhancing flexibility and mobility and providing better posture. With daily practice, they can loosen tight muscles and relieve tension.

In this blog, we bring 15 of the best-seated yoga poses. Each pose is explained step-by-step, along with its many benefits. So what are you waiting for? Get comfortable in a chair or on the floor and start practising these calming sitting asanas to feel revitalised.

Importance of Flexibility

Flexibility is extremely essential for our body to function properly. It allows us to move without much effort. When muscles and joints are inflexible, it puts us at risk of injuries during routine activities. Flexible muscles are also better equipped to handle physical and mental stress. More flexibility ensures better blood circulation, energising and rejuvenating our body. It even impacts our mood. Not to mention, flexibility plays a key role in enhancing performance in sports and improving posture. The sitting asanas postures mentioned in this article stretch our muscles to boost flexibility over time and provide maximum benefits of yoga.

Top 5 Yoga Asanas in Sitting Position for Back Flexibility

  1. Child's Pose

    Child's Pose, or Balasana, is one of the most relaxing asanas in sitting position. It provides a nice stretch for the hips, back, and shoulders.

    How It’s Done

    • To get into this pose, start on your hands and knees with your knees hip-width apart. Then, gently lower your hips towards your heels while extending your arms. Your forehead can rest on the floor or a block if your back is tight.
    • Bring your hips as close to your heels as possible to get the full benefit. Take deep breaths here as your upper back and shoulders soften towards the floor.

    Health Benefits

    • This pose helps relieve stress and anxiety by calming the nervous system.
    • It stretches your spine, hips, and shoulders, which feel wonderful after long periods of sitting.
    • By compressing your lower back, it can also soothe pains like sciatica.
    • Holding a Child's Pose allows overworked muscles in your back to relax completely.
    • You'll feel physically rejuvenated and mentally calm after just a few breaths in this position.

  2. Cat-Cow Pose

    The flowing Cat-Cow is an excellent easy sitting pose yoga to release tension in the spine and warm up the body for deeper yoga practices. Alternate arching and rounding of the back loosens stiffness while enhancing mobility in the entire back region.

    How It’s Done

    • Start on your hands and knees with a neutral spine for the cat pose.
    • As you inhale, gently drag your belly button towards the spine and let your head rise to look up towards the ceiling in a mild backbend.
    • Feel the lower back stretching open.
    • On the exhale, curl your chin into your chest and abs inwards as you round your spine like an angry cat.
    • You should feel a nice stretch along your entire backside.
    • Flow between these two counters poses with ease, following the rhythm of your breath.

    Health Benefits

    • With repetition, Cat-Cow helps to improve posture and reduce back pain and stress.
    • It lubricates the joints, stimulates circulation, and awakens the body physically and mentally.

  3. Cobra Pose

    The Cobra Pose, or Bhujangasana in Sanskrit, is a back-bending sitting asana posture. It opens the chest and strengthens the spine. So unwind your back's tight coils and rise like a proud serpent.

    How It’s Done

    • Come onto your hands and knees on your mat, with wrists under your shoulders and knees below your hips. Press your palms and toes firmly to ground yourself.
    • Inhale deeply and lift your chest off the floor by pressing down through your hands. Gaze softly ahead as your abdomen draws inwards.
    • Your hips should remain low while only your upper back and head are gently arched. Hold the stretch for several breaths before slowly releasing.

    Health Benefits

    • Cobra-sitting asanas help alleviate stress and tension stored in the lower spine. It stimulates abdominal organs and improves posture and confidence over time.
    • Regular practice strengthens the muscles of your back, shoulders, and arms. Your chest will feel more open as your flexibility increases.
  4. Downward Facing Dog

    If you are feeling a little sluggish or stressed? Perk yourself with one of yoga's most invigorating inversions - Downward Facing Dog! This pose gives a nice stretch to the entire backside of the body.

    How It’s Done

    • From all fours on your mat, tuck your toes under and lift your hips upward and back to form an inverted V shape with your body.
    • Reach your sitting bones toward the ceiling and draw the backs of your thighs inward. Keep your head relaxed between your arms.
    • You should feel a nice simultaneous stretch in your hamstrings, calves, shoulders, and spine. Breathe deeply for 5 breaths to reap benefits.

    Health Benefits

    • The downward dog energises the entire body and mind.
    • It calms the brain and relieves physical tension like fatigue or back pain.
    • The pose strengthens the arms and legs while improving posture, balance, and focus.
  5. Bridge Pose

    Bridge Pose, also known as Setu Bandhasana in Sanskrit, is a sitting yoga position. It offers numerous benefits for the body and mind.

    How It’s Done

    • Lie on your back near the edges of the yoga mat, bend your knees, and place your feet hip-width apart on the floor.
    • Inhale and press into your feet to lift your hips upwards, forming a slight arch with your body.
    • Clasp your hands under your back for support if needed. Otherwise, place your palms on the floor for balance.
    • Gaze softly toward your knees as you draw your shoulder blades down your back. Hold for 5 deep breaths.

    Health Benefits

    • Bridge strengthens the back, abdominal, and thigh muscles while enhancing flexibility in your hips and shoulders.
    • It massages the thyroid and parathyroid glands to boost metabolic function.

Top 5 Sitting Yoga Poses for Hip Flexibility

  1. Pigeon Pose

    Are your hips feeling tight, like they need to unfold their wings? Then, let's glide into Pigeon Pose or Eka Pada Rajakapotasana.

    How It’s Done

    • Start on all fours and slide one leg back so the knee is bent and the foot planted.
    • Keeping the front knee over the ankle for alignment, inhale here.
    • When you exhale, soften your hips to sink them gently down.
    • Optionally, you can stretch your arms out for a deeper opening. Flexing the back foot adds stability.

    Health Benefits

    • Over time, this pose helps loosen tight muscles in the hips, groin, and outer thighs. It relieves tension stored in the lower back, too.
    • With regular practice of this hip opener, you'll gain improved flexibility and range of motion. Pain and stiffness will melt away.
  2. Lizard Pose

    The Lizard Pose, also known as Utthan Pristhasana, allows you to delightfully stretch your upper and lower body.

    How It’s Done

    • Start in a high plank position with your hands shoulder-width apart and your feet at shoulder length.
    • Move your right leg behind you to the side of your right hand.
    • Drop the left knee to the floor; move/slide the left leg backwards.
    • Your right knee should be stacked over your ankle, and your right knee bent.
    • Place your arms downward onto the earth/block.
    • Lift your chest and look ahead.
    • Breathe for 5-10 deep breaths, and then switch.

    Health Benefits

    • By opening up tight hips and thighs, the Lizard Pose improves flexibility in the lower body.
    • It also stretches the shoulders and chest.
    • The calming breathing helps reduce stress as well.
    • Stimulates digestion and circulation
    • By opening up tight hips and thighs, the Lizard Pose improves flexibility in the lower body.
  3. Butterfly Pose

    The butterfly pose, or baddha konasana, is another yoga asana in a sitting position. It imitates the delicate fluttering or movement of a butterfly’s wings. This is a sitting yoga position where you bring your heels together towards each other but allow the knees to fall apart.

    How It’s Done

    • Sit down with your legs stretched out.
    • Bend your knees and lift the heels, letting the knees fall to the sides.
    • Place your heels close to your pelvis.
    • Grasp your ankles or feet with your hands.
    • Elongate your spine, and pull your shoulder blades back.
    • Use your elbows to apply slight pressure and gently press your knees towards the floor.

    Health Benefits

    • Bends the inner thighs, groins, and knees.
    • Improves flexibility in the hips and lower back.
    • It may provide relief for menstrual cramping and menopausal symptoms.
    • Improves digestion in abdominal organs and eliminates stress.
    • This can relieve the pain of sciatica.
  4. Gate Pose

    Parighasana, or Gate Pose, is among the most famous sitting asanas. It provides many positive impacts on a person’s body.

    How It’s Done

    • Kneel on the floor with your legs together.
    • Step your right leg to the side, keeping it flat.
    • Exhale and make a fist with both hands. Lift your left hand upwards.
    • Exhale and tilt your torso to the right, so your left hand falls towards the right part of the room.
    • Keep your hips facing forward and your right hand resting on your right thigh.
    • Repeat on the other side. Hold for a few breaths.

    Health Benefits

    • Expands the sides of the body, hip adductors, and hip flexors.
    • Improves balance and strengthens the core muscles.
    • Encourages digestion; stops bloating and swelling.
    • Relieves back pain and sciatica.
    • Helps to calm the mind and decreases stress and anxiety.
  5. Forward Bend Pose

    Forward Bend Pose is among the most sitting yoga poses ever experienced, which entails bending forward from the hips with your spine still stretched. It is commonly used in numerous yoga exercises and can be used by practitioners at any level.

    How It’s Done

    • Stand up straight. The feet should be wide-shouldered, with arms hanging down by side.
    • Inhale deep, and when expelled, lean forward at the waists and bend the torso down to touch the legs.
    • Keep your knees straight or slightly bent; relax your head and neck.
    • Ground your hands or grab onto your ankles or shins.
    • Stay in that position for a few breaths, then slowly rise while lying down.

    Health Benefits

    • Strengthens the hamstrings, calves, and hips by stretching it.
    • Eases tensions in the neck, shoulder, and spine.
    • Improves digestion and circulation.
    • Provides stress relief and calms the mind.

Popular Sitting Yoga Poses for Complete Relaxation

  1. Lotus Pose

    The lotus pose is a common sitting yoga pose that is helpful for full relaxation and peace of mind.

    How It’s Done

    • To nurture your inner peace, sit upright and feel your sit bones ground down.
    • Cross one ankle to rest on top of the opposite thigh. Wind both hands around the bottom foot to ease it upwards.
    • Inhale and repeat with the other leg, wrapping one foot over the other. Remain here only if your hips allow a comfortable bind.
    • Otherwise, simply sit in a simple cross-legged position. Align your spine and relax your shoulders away from your ears.

    Health Benefits

    • Builds good posture and strengthens your backbone.
    • Increases hip, knee and ankle flexibility.
    • Soothes the mind and lessens stress or anxiety.
    • Boosts concentration and sharpens mental acuity.
    • Deepens meditation and spiritual practice.
  2. Cross-Legged Sitting

    Are you tired of the day's bustle and need some energy? Then, this simple seated pose invites soothing stillness. Called Sukhasana, its Sanskrit name hints at the comfort found within.

    How It’s Done

    • Sit tall with legs folded, crossing one shin in front of the other. Hands rest softly on thighs or knees.
    • Align your spine and lift through your seat as you lengthen your back. Roll shoulders down away from ears.
    • Focus on your breath flowing in and out. Feel tension dissolving with each easy exhale.
    • Take five slow breaths here, welcoming a respite from activity. Your mind follows suit, quieting its chatter.

    Health Benefits

    • Sitting cross-legged keeps the spine tall and proud. With practice, this simple seat strengthens flexibility in the hips.
    • Each session further loosens tight joints, allowing stress to unwind its knots.
    • With your backbone aligned straight and true, blood flows freely to nourish cells from head to toe.
    • This asana increases blood circulation.
  3. Seated Spinal Twist

    The seated spinal twist is a simple yet powerful pose. It unwinds your body, cleanses your system, and nurtures a sense of calm. Incorporate it into your routine for total relaxation and improved well-being.

    How It’s Done

    • Sit tall with your legs extended and crossed at the ankles.
    • Inhale and extend your arms out to the sides.
    • Exhale and gently rotate your torso to look over your shoulder.
    • Place your right hand behind you and your left hand on your right knee.
    • Inhale to lengthen your spine. Exhale to twist a bit further.
    • Feel the twist and massage your vertebrae one by one. Take 5 deep breaths.
    • Unwind and switch sides, twisting in the opposite direction.
    • Inhale, lengthen. Exhale, twist. Inhale, release.

    Health Benefits

    • This easy-sitting yoga pose provides relief from back pain.
    • It increases flexibility and helps with stress relief.
    • The twist loosens tight muscles and squeezes internal organs, keeping you relaxed yet energised all day.
  4. Cow Face Pose

    The Cow Face pose, also known as Gomukhasana, is an arm balancing asana in yoga.

    How It’s Done

    • To get into the pose, sit with your legs stretched out and bring the right foot to the outside of the left thigh.
    • Inhale and extend the left arm up and back, reaching the fingertips behind you.
    • Exhale and bend the elbow to bring the arm around behind the back.
    • Clasp the right hand around the left wrist or interlace fingers if possible.
    • Stay relaxed but engaged through the shoulder and back. Hold for 5 breaths, then release, and switch sides.

    Health Benefits

    • This pose stretches the shoulders and opens the chest. It strengthens the arms and wrists.
    • The twist also massages the abdominal organs to aid in digestion. Holding the balance develops focus and concentration.
    • It is a relaxing yet energising pose that tones the upper body and has calming effects on the mind.
  5. Corpse Pose

    Corpse Pose, also known as Savasana, is a resting posture often the final relaxation pose in a yoga routine.

    How It’s Done

    • Lie flat on your back on a mat with legs extended, feet falling outward, arms by your sides, and palms facing up.
    • Release any tension from your body and face, and let your shoulders sink away from your ears.
    • Close your eyes and concentrate on deep breathing through your nose, letting the exhale last longer.
    • Remain in the pose for 5-10 minutes to fully relax the body and calm the mind.

    Health Benefits

    • The Corpse Pose reduces stress and anxiety by relaxing the muscles, joints, and spine.
    • This yoga pose lowers blood pressure and heart rate for a calming effect by reducing tension throughout the body and slowing the breath.
    • The prolonged period of complete stillness also allows the mind to calm racing thoughts.
    • It is the ideal pose to return to deep relaxation and restore both the body and mind.

Safety Precautions to Take During Sitting Yoga Asanas

Sitting asanas can benefit the body if done properly with awareness. However, listening to your body and not pushing too hard into poses that may cause discomfort or pain is important. When doing asanas in a sitting position, use a non-slip yoga mat or towel. This will provide cushioning and traction. Start with an easy yoga sitting pose.

Move slowly into each pose without jerking or bouncing motions. Develop stability in the lower back by practising good alignment - keep the spine long and chest open. You can support the lower back with a small blanket or bolster. Hold onto each pose for 5 full breaths before slowly releasing. Pay attention to your breath, and do not hold your breath.

Listen to your body and come out of the pose if you feel any pain or pinch in your joints. Don't force it into a pose. Always start with milder versions if advanced poses are too much. Give your body time to open up gently. Make sure to stretch and relax after practice.


Regularly practising the 15 sitting yoga poses outlined here can help improve your flexibility, mobility, and posture. Holding each pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute and repeating 2-3 times allows your muscles to open up gently.

Combined with other yoga practices and exercises, these simple seated poses are a great addition to any wellness routine for their physical and mental benefits.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the easiest seated pose in yoga?

Sukhasana is the easiest seated pose in yoga.

How many times a week should beginners do yoga?

Make time for sitting yoga poses daily or a few times a week to reap the rewards of better mobility and posture. Beginners can start by exercising yoga three times a week.

What's the best order to do the poses?

Start with gentle forward folds and twists, then move to more challenging hip and spine opens. End with relaxation. Flow at your own pace, and remember to listen to your body.


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