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10 Scientifically Supported Benefits of Yoga You Didn't Know

Well, yes! Yoga has benefits that make you flexible, calm your mind and lead a stress-free life. It can make you a better and happy individual in the long run. Some people believe yoga is just about poses, mantras and breathing. However, it has benefits supported by science that can enhance your overall well-being. And, here is a detail about that!


10 Benefits of Yoga That You Must Know


  1. Yoga increases flexibility - Flexibility is an important aspect that keeps reducing as you get older. However, even at the basic level, practising yoga requires stretching your body muscles, increasing the range of motion, and improving flexibility. And, when practised regularly, it can increase flexibility even when you get older. Some people consider flexibility a prerequisite for yoga. However, flexibility is a result of good yoga practices followed every day. Hence, if you find yourself uncomfortable doing yoga poses for flexibility, try to do it slowly, and you will improve in the long term.


  3. Yoga for stress relief - Your body and mind are affected by stress in life; your neck, shoulders, and back get more impacted. When you start your day with yoga, you help your body and mind relax and feel fresh. It will ensure you handle different aspects that you come across in the day with a better outlook. A surge of stress hormones such as cortisol can damage your blood vessels. People practising yoga every day have lower cortisol levels that cause relief from stress.


  5. Yoga improves brain function - Yoga stimulates brain function, increasing energy levels and memory power. When you engage yourself in yoga, naturally, you activate the areas of the brain that are responsible for executive functioning, motivation, attention, etc. Executive functions include activities of the brain that are related to goal-directed behaviour and emotionally controlled responses.


  7. Yoga prevents cardiovascular diseases - Increased levels of cholesterol, blood pressure and abnormal BMI (Body Mass Index) can increase the risk of heart disease. Yoga can regulate the functioning of blood vessels and improve vascular health, reducing the chances of heart disease. When you practice the breathing exercises in yoga, you can see a positive effect on the heart rate, arterial pressure, and heart contractility.


  9. Yoga reduces inflammation - Advantages of yoga can be directly linked to reducing inflammation. Inflammation is a major threat that can cause diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, etc. Yoga of any style and intensity practised regularly can positively reduce chronic inflammation. In addition, it can further boost immunity and reduce susceptibility to various illnesses.

  10. Yoga can develop better posture - Yoga practices can focus on mobility and flexibility of muscles that contribute to aligning muscles that are often held tight. For example, when your head, which is round, big and heavy, is balanced straight on your erect spine, it relaxes your neck and back muscles that support it.


  12. Yoga strengthens your bones - It is often believed that weight-bearing exercises strengthen the bones. And, in some of the yoga postures, you will have to lift your weight that helps strengthen your arm bones. In addition, yoga practices can even increase the bone density in the vertebrae. The lower cortisol levels can retain the calcium in the bones, making them strong in the long run.


  14. Yoga helps lower blood sugar - Yoga is found to boost good cholesterol and reduce blood sugar and bad cholesterol. It can help diabetic people lower adrenaline and cortisol levels, encourage weight loss and improve the sensitivity to the effects of insulin.


  16. Yoga helps you sleep better - People practising yoga as a routine can fall asleep faster. It is due to the reduced stress levels and increased emotional health. When you stay calm and be aware of your body functions by doing yoga, you can naturally improve sleep quality.


  18. Yoga makes you happy - Yoga benefits tend to revolve around every aspect of your body and mind. It keeps you at the right balance with reduced stress levels and increased self-esteem, making you feel happy in life. It can reduce depression and anxiety in people and help them lead better and satisfying lives.


While the benefits of yoga relate to the overall wellbeing of your mind and body, it can help you think and involve yourself better in life to make smart decisions. For instance, individuals have realised the importance of a healthy lifestyle and financial stability in the long term. Adopting a healthy diet plan, investing in a life cover protection plan and engaging in meaningful conversations is thus an evident result.


With this increased awareness and knowledge, people have realised the benefits of life insurance plans and their flexible features. For example, Tata AIA Life Insurance policy provides various flexible features that you can use for your benefit. You can choose the premium payment frequency, pay out options and customise the policy according to your preferences. So, it is time for you to research, compare and choose the best life insurance plans for your financial needs.



Yoga is found to be beneficial in various dimensions of life. It can improve your cardiovascular system, enhance brain function, increase flexibility, reduce stress and help you lead a satisfying and happy life. It is scientifically supported and preferred by individuals globally. Yoga has changed lives and has helped people make well-informed decisions! And, if you are also looking for a positive change in your life, start practising yoga every day! 


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