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5 Relaxation Techniques That Can Help You Reduce Stress

3-June-2021 |

People’s lives have become more stressful today than ever. Especially with the coronavirus pandemic, balancing work from home and personal life has become a daunting task. It is essential to seek proper intervention to help alleviate stress during such challenging times.

Here are five relaxation techniques that will help keep stress at bay and energize you to work more effectively.


  • Deep Breathing:

    Breathing is a natural process that we take for granted, as it is automatic and does not require much work. However, deep breathing is highly recommended by many psychiatrists and scientists who understand its positive effects. Deep breathing helps a person become more aware of their breath, generating a natural relaxation response. How does this happen? When you perform breathing exercises, the oxygen supply to your brain increases, helping you experience a state of calm. Named as the ‘best stress reduction technique’ by the American Institute of Stress, deep breathing lets you focus on your entire body and promotes self-awareness.

    Since you are breathing every minute, you do not need any preparation to perform deep breathing exercises. Simply sit straight with your eyes closed. Inhale the air deeply through your nose and imagine your breath moving from your belly to the top of your head. Hold your breath for a while. Exhale through your nose, again imagining that the breath moves slowly from your head to your belly. Repeat this process for at least five minutes and experience instant relaxation.

  • Muscle Relaxation:

    Many times, we do not realize that the muscles in our body are tensed. Chronic stress can adversely affect fast body movements, leading to jammed muscles and an unhealthy body. In fact, stress is so much a part of our lives now that we have got accustomed to it. With the help of progressive muscle relaxation techniques, it is possible to release this tension. This is done by focusing your breath on different muscle groups, one at a time. You need to tense and relax the muscles in different parts of the body, starting with your toes preferably, and slowly work your way up. Alternatively, you can also start from your head and work your way down to your toes. Ideally, tense your muscles for five seconds and relax them for 30 seconds. Repeat in a similar manner for each muscle group. This relaxation technique helps you become aware of each body muscle and slowly release the accumulated tension.

  • Visualization:

    It is possible to let go of your stress by visualizing what makes you happy. Visualization is a powerful relaxation technique that simply involves bringing positive visual imagery of your ‘happy place’. It entails using the different senses, such as sight, smell, taste, etc., and imagine yourself being enveloped in that experience. For example, you visualize yourself on a beach. Sit down, close your eyes, and imagine you are there. Try to paint a picture of a beautiful sea stretched in front of you with vast blue skies and the sound of the waves crashing on the shore. Your happy place is specific to you, so you need to imagine based on what you enjoy. When it is not possible to physically be somewhere, a quick mental vacation can go a long way in providing much-needed relaxation.

  • Meditation:

    One of the oldest forms of relaxation, meditation, has been in practice for thousands of years. It helps attract positive energy, calms your senses, and triggers happy emotions, thereby releasing stress from the body and mind. At its core, meditation promotes mindfulness, which is nothing but being aware of every breath and living in the present moment. It requires being aware of exactly what's happening at the moment. By focusing on your body and mind, you try to center your mind whenever it wanders off and refocus. It requires a lot of practice and patience to master the art of mindful meditation. But once you get the hang of it, it is an amazing relaxation technique that should be done every day.


  • Laughter Therapy:

    Laughter therapy is at the center of living a stress-free life. Whenever you laugh, happy hormones called endorphins are released into your brain and body. Besides stimulating blood circulation, a hearty laugh has the power to soothe your tensions. For quick laughs, read jokes or funny content, watch comedy genre movies, talk to people who make you happy and with whom you can share a few laughs. Laughter is a great relaxation technique that does not require any practice. It can be performed anytime, anywhere.

Benefits of Relaxation Techniques:

  • Better sleep
  • Improved concentration
  • Improved digestion
  • Increased confidence
  • Increased blood flow
  • Maintains optimum blood sugar levels.
  • Less fatigue


Now that you are aware of the different relaxation techniques, practice them for a stress-free life. Also, make your health and the health of your loved one’s a priority by buying insurance. A ulip plan or a savings plan offered by Tata AIA  Life Insurance are good investment options  towards a better future. Contact Tata AIA Life Insurance for all your insurance needs.


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