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5 Reasons Why Good Nutrition is Essential in Your Life

Good nutrition is a secret to a healthy, clean and happy soul! It brings various health benefits that keep you mentally and physically strong. And good nutrition does not take a long time to prepare. It is either farm fresh or takes very little time and effort.

So, if you have made healthy food as a part of your daily routine, then it is the best accomplishment in life to feel proud. Therefore, good nutrition is important, and you must make it a way of life. So, let us get started right away on why you must choose healthy food to eat and why it is so essential!

5 Reasons Why Nutritious Food is Essential

  1. Weight balance - Maintaining the right body weight solves various health issues. It keeps your body flexible for a daily workout schedule. You just need to work on your calorie intake to have a controlled yet nutritious diet for keeping your weight at the right balance. It will ensure you eat everything your body requires and help you reduce food cravings that threaten your life's fitness goals to a great extent.

    Obesity has become common even in children, which is an alarming sign. It can increase the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, etc. Fresh fruits and vegetables are lower in calories than the processed foods you get in the market today. Also, the dietary fibre present in plant-based foods helps you feel full and reduces hunger levels. Thus, stay away from junk food, eat healthily and maintain healthy body weight.


  2. Boosts immune system - A strong immune system is essential to fight common and serious illnesses that you come across in your routine life. It requires the optimal inclusion of foods rich in vitamins and minerals. Vitamin A, B2, B6, C, D and E, Zinc and Selenium are major contributors to a strong immune system to avoid immunodeficiency problems in our body.

    You need to research foods that provide these vitamins and minerals and include them in your diet in the right proportion to boost your immune system and protect yourself from chronic diseases. Citrus fruits, garlic, ginger, broccoli, turmeric, almonds, etc., are common and preferred by many individuals.

  3. Helps you live longer - Ageing is a common phenomenon. However, we prefer living longer for making the most of our life. Good nutrition will increase the quality of your life and enhance your lifespan. It will strengthen the digestive function and immune system to work against degenerative changes in your body as you age. It will also nourish your skin, protect against inflammation and bad cholesterol. Foods like avocados, berries, tomatoes, fish etc., contain vitamins and minerals that nourish your skin. For example, Vitamin C builds the collagen that slows premature ageing and helps your skin look better. Also, foods providing antioxidants will promote the regeneration of cells for new skin development.

  4. Improves brain functionality - Nutritious food rich in Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids such as nuts, avocados, etc., boosts brain function. And, other foods rich in antioxidants like blueberries, pumpkin seeds, etc., aid brain functioning, improve memory and delay mental decline. These can reduce the level of stress and provide relief against anxiety. Therefore, work on a balanced diet to have a combined benefit for total well being. A healthy brain will help you concentrate better, work harder and engage in meaningful conversations with people.

  5. Good sleep and energy level - A nutrient-rich diet will help you be at the right energy levels to fuel your everyday tasks in life. Drinking plenty of water, having frequent smaller meals, eating healthy snacks, etc., can prove beneficial. Foods rich in carbohydrates and iron will increase energy levels.

    If you have been developing iron deficiency, you will have lower energy levels that make you tired throughout the day. Being at the right energy levels due to nutritious food during the day will ensure a good sleep at night. It can provide uninterrupted sleep of 7 to 8 hours which medical professionals highly recommend for happy and healthy living.

Good nutritious food promotes a happy living for you and your family. In addition, it will ensure your family is secure against chronic diseases in the long term. However, while it is important to eat healthy food, with increasing lifestyle changes and the emergence of a global pandemic, nutritious foods might not build enough immunity to protect you against the harmful effects of a deadly disease. Therefore, you must take the necessary steps to protect yourself and safeguard your family.

If you are the sole earning member, then securing your family's financial future becomes a prime responsibility. In such cases and even otherwise, choosing a life insurance plan can be a good initial step.

Tata AIA life insurance plans provide enhanced protection through comprehensive life insurance plans with savings and protection benefits that are highly customisable. Also, suppose your family has a history of developing critical illnesses such as cancer later. In that case, you can opt for the additional riders# in life insurance that provides the insured sum for accommodating the medical expenses related to a critical illness during the policy term apart from the life cover that provides the sum assured to your loved ones in your absence.


Healthy nutrition with a balanced diet is key to a healthy heart, brain and total well being. In addition, it will improve your immune system, energy levels and increase your lifespan steadily. You can also negate the harmful effects of obesity and stay protected. So, without any delay, work on good diet plans, follow them regularly and stay healthy in your life!


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