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A Guide to Healthy Living for Women

5-July-2021 |

Whether you’re a woman in your golden years with many years ahead of you, a new mom navigating motherhood, or a young aspiring entrepreneur, women wear several hats with grace. From cooking meals, sewing on loose buttons, shuttling kids, handling activities, and ensuring the house is well-stocked to reading bedtime stories and making financial decisions, such as choosing a guaranteed1 return insurance plan, women do it all! Often, all this goes on while working a full-time job.


Most women spend their entire life excelling in various roles and taking care of everyone else. And in the process, they do not give their health and wellness the attention it deserves.

This guide will tell you all you need to know about keeping yourself and the women around you happy, healthy, and strong through every single birthday.


1. Exercise Regularly

Try physical activities to give your body and mind the boost it deserves. When you’re active, you’re less likely to have conditions like depression, blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, stroke, heart disease, or obesity.

30 to 60 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise every day can help you maintain a healthy weight, control food cravings, give you more energy, and help you sleep better.

The key is to find an enjoyable activity, so it does not feel like a workout. A few practical ways to increase your activity levels are taking the steps, parking your car further away, walking a little more, or even running and playing with your kids.

Tip: If you lack motivation, you can get a fitness tracker to track your movements and challenge your friends/family/coworkers. If you’re already active, you can look at improving your routine, like focusing on endurance or strength.


2. Make sleep a priority

Remember, your to-do list is not as important as your health. And getting a good night’s sleep is pivotal to feeling rested, productive, energetic, and balanced the next day.

The right amount of sleep is restorative for both your mind and body. A lack of sleep is directly linked to diabetes, depression, heart disease, obesity, etc. On the other hand, if you sleep seven to nine hours, you improve your immunity, stress levels, memory, mood and protect your health in the long term.

Start by cultivating simple sleeping habits like no caffeine after 5 pm, avoid stressing because of finances or about buying a guaranteed1 return insurance plan to secure your financial future, limit screen time before bed, and read a book instead of TV or using your phone.

Tip: If thoughts are weighing you down, try calming tactics like deep breathing, meditation, journaling, or listen to relaxing music to clear your mind.


3. Improve your diet

There’s nothing like a piping hot plate of instant noodles - a quick fix to cook and satiate your taste buds. However, the nutrition in such foods is poor. Instead, a warm, nutritious home-cooked meal full of vegetables is just what your body needs.

Nutrient-rich foods provide energy for women's busy lives and help reduce the risk of numerous diseases. Eating healthy doesn't mean bland or boring food. In fact, healthy food introduces you to fun, fresh, and a new world of ingredients you've never tried before.

A few things you can do are:


  • Switch from traditional pasta or white rice to whole-grain options like cauliflower rice, quinoa, or faro, which are more nutritious and less processed.

  • Consume less processed foods and eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.

  • If you’re a meat-eater, pick leaner cuts.

  • Limit sugar intake.

  • Eating smaller portions spread out over the day also helps.


Tip: When the time doesn’t permit preparing a nutritious home-cooked meal, you can opt for packaged alternatives. However, check the ingredient list and ensure it is low on carbs, sugars, etc.


4. Escape the monotony of daily routine

Amidst your busy schedule, planning for your finances like buying a guaranteed1 return insurance plan, and chores, a routine helps you get through the day easily. But sometimes, the same routine can start to feel like a rut. To ensure it doesn’t get to you, there are ways to shake things up and stimulate your mind.

It’s good to tune out for an hour every day or every so often to make time for ‘you’ and engage in something you love. It can be anything such as getting a massage, planning a fun girls’ night, taking the afternoon off, enjoying a mid-evening siesta, learning a new language, painting a picture, heading outside for a walk, or watching a movie. Some time off will recharge your batteries and reinvigorate your mind for the rest of the day.


5. Learn to manage your stress

No matter which role women find themselves in, a grandmother, mother, or daughter, they wear many hats and deal with a lot of stress and pressure, as described above. Stress is a silent killer, and it’s bad for your health. So, no matter what’s going on in your life, it’s essential you learn to manage your stress and take a few minutes every day to relax and get your perspective back.

You can use many relaxation techniques like exercise, yoga, meditation, etc., to help defuse stressful situations or relieve the symptoms of stress and make sure you have a clear mind.

Plus, when you have a guaranteed1 return plan with a partner like Tata AIA Life Insurance, you know your future is in good hands. Tata AIA Life Insurance’s premium facility has multiple payment modes, making things so much easier and stress-free for you.


Health Is Wealth

This is a reminder to all the women out there to make health and wellness a priority. Exercising, managing stress, eating right, some me time, and the right guaranteed1 return plan give you innumerable benefits. While there’s no quick fix, keep at it, and with time, you’ll see a physical and mental difference.

Good health isn’t important only today but also in the days to come. So, start making positive changes now and reap the benefits in the long run.

After all, you can’t control what goes on outside, but you can control what goes on inside!



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