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Application for reinstatement of lapsed policy

Life assured details

Personal details

Contact details


Current Address

Few more details

Change in weight in last 12 months?

Have you smoked or otherwise used tobacco products in the last 12 months?




Are you employed in the armed forces, paramilitary or police forces or fire brigade?

Are you now a member of any military force, engaged or are considering engaging in any hazardous sports or events (e.g. motor racing, climbing, scuba diving Insured/Policyholder etc.) or flying in any aerial device other than as a fare paying passenger on a regularly scheduled airline or travel overseas other than for vacation or holiday?

Have you changed your occupation from the date of policy issuance /last revival?

Are you politically exposed person?

Policy holder details

Personal details

Contact details


Current Address

Few more details

Change in weight in last 12 months?

Have you smoked or otherwise used tobacco products in the last 12 months?




Are you employed in the armed forces, paramilitary or police forces or fire brigade?

Are you now a member of any military force, engaged or are considering engaging in any hazardous sports or events (e.g. motor racing, climbing, scuba diving Insured/Policyholder etc.) or flying in any aerial device other than as a fare paying passenger on a regularly scheduled airline or travel overseas other than for vacation or holiday?

Have you changed your occupation from the date of policy issuance /last revival?

Are you politically exposed person?

Medical details

Have you EVER HAD any of the following?

Have you been infected with HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus), been diagnosed as having HIV antibodies or suffered from an AIDS related condition?

Policy holder

Have you or your spouse received medical advice, testing or treatment in connection with sexually transmitted disease or HIV infection or suffered from prolonged weight loss, Yes No Yes No diarrhea, enlarged glands or unusual skin lesion or been advised to abstain from donating blood?

Policy holder

Diabetes, thyroid disorders or any other hormone disorder?

Policy holder

Ear discharge, impaired sight, hearing, or speech or any other disorder of ear, eye, nose or throat?

Policy holder

Asthma, pneumonia, tuberculosis, emphysema, coughing up blood, persistent cough, or any other disorder of the chest or lungs?

Policy holder

High blood pressure, palpitations, chest pain, raised cholesterol, heart attack, or any other disorder of the heart or blood vessels?

Policy holder

Hepatitis (including Hepatitis B carrier), liver disorder, gall bladder disorder, ulcer, bleeding from the stomach or bowel, hemorrhoids or any other disorder of the digestive tract?

Policy holder

Kidney or bladder disorder, urine abnormality or genital organ disorder?

Policy holder

Cancer, tumor, cyst or growth of any kind?

Policy holder

Anemia, hemophilia, leukemia or any other blood disorder?

Policy holder

Back or neck complaint, arthritis, gout, physical disability or other disorder of the bones joints or muscles?

Policy holder

Any illness that has caused you to be absent from work for a continuous period of 7 days or more?

Policy holder
Medical details 02

Stroke, epilepsy, fits recurrent headache, paralysis, faints or any other disease or disorder of the brain, spinal cord or nerves?

Policy holder

Depression, anxiety, schizophrenia or any other mental or nervous disorder?

Policy holder
Medical details 03

Have you had any other illness, injury, operation or abnormality not mentioned under any question above which is recurrent or has symptoms persisting for more than 7 days?

Policy holder
Medical details 04

Do you have any symptoms or condition for which you intend to attend a doctor in the future

Policy holder
Medical details 05

In the last 5 years, have you attended doctor or any other medical facility for investigation or diagnostic tests (such as blood or urine, X-ray, ultrasound, CT scan,biopsy, ECG, Angioplasty, Bypass Surgery, Brain Surgery, Heart Valve Surgery, Aorta Surgery or Organ Transplant or any treatment for Cancerous growth, of any kind etc.)?

Policy holder

Kindly provide below details

Please attach complete personal reports copy to reinstate your policy (*Applicable for all treatments done in last 5 years)

Uploaded 0 file
Medical details 06

If “Yes" to question 3, did the results warrant further testing, treatment, referral to another doctor or specialist, follow up with your own doctor or future follow-up recommended?

Policy holder
Medical details 07

Have either of your natural parents or any siblings died or suffered from cancer, heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney disease, mental disorder or depression, Yes No Yes No tuberculosis or polycystic kidney or other hereditary disease before the age of 65? If 'Yes', please provide details (type of cancer if applicable)

Policy holder

Female life questions

Are you now pregnant? if 'yes', please state expected delivery date DD/MM/YYYY

Policy holder

Have you undergone any gynecological investigations for illness, internal checkups, breast checks such N as mammogram or biopsy?

Policy holder

Have you ever consulted a doctor because of an irregularity at the breast, vagina, uterus, ovary, N fallopian tubes, menstruation, complications during pregnancy or child delivery Yes No Yes No or a sexually transmitted disease?

Policy holder

Have you suffered from any other disorder of the breast or reproductive organs, abnormal smear test(s) and irregular menses?sexually transmitted disease?

Policy holder
Covid-19 Questions

Are you, or have you been in close with anyone who have been quarantined or who have been diagnose with novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19) ? if yes, please provide details.

Policy holder

Are you , or have you ever been serving a notice of quarantine in any form imposed by local health authorities or goverment or airport authority for possible exposure to novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19) ? if yes please provide more details like location, dates, quarantine period.

Policy holder

Have you ever advised to be tested to rule in, or rule out, a diagnosis of novel coronavirus (SARSCoV-2/COVID-19) ? Or, are you awaiting the result of a test which have already been submitted for novel coronavirus (SARC-CoV-2/COVID-19)?

Policy holder

Have you ever tested positive for the novel coronairus (SARC-CoV-2/COVID-19)? if yes, provide the date of positive diagnosis.

Policy holder

Have you experienced any of the following symptoms within last 14 days?

Policy holder

Travel Declaration

Are you currently residing outside of India?

Policy holder

Kindly provide below details

Do you intend to travel abroad in next 3 months?

Policy holder

Kindly provide below details

Additional medical declrataion *The following to be answered if Life Assured has opted for Health Products/ Critical Illness benefit

Do you have any physical defects, impairment, deformities and/or any condition affecting mobility, sight and/or hearing?

Policy holder

In the past 10 years have you been diagnosed, treated or sought treatment or advice for cancer (including N skin cancer or ulcerated moles), tumor or leukemia?

Policy holder

In the past 5 years have you had any diagnostic tests e.g. Mammogram, X-ray, ultrasound, CT scan, biopsy, N blood or urine test for any lump, cyst, tumor, chronic lesions or growths of any kind?

Policy holder

Have 2 or more immediate family members (natural parents & siblings) ever been diagnosed below age 60 N with cancer, tumor or leukemia?

Policy holder

Has your father been diagnosed with bowel or colon cancer, below age 60?

Policy holder

Has your mother been diagnosed with breast cancer, below age 60?

Policy holder

Important note

In case of policy on the life of Juvenile, where Payor Benefit / Waiver of Premium Plus rider is attached, it is mandatory to fill the details of policyholder.



90 days from date of submitting the health certificate